Mirroring: When the outside world is a reflection

The outside world is a reflection of our own internal world.

I have a coaching client dealing with a situation where someone she loves said something hurtful to her. I sent her this information and thought I would share this in case anyone else may have experienced something similar.

I have read about “Mirroring” before but it really stuck out as I was reading the book “Add More -Ing To Your Life” by Gabrielle Bernstein.

It's Okay if You're Not Okay

It's Okay if You're Not Okay

It’s okay if you’re not okay, we are in unprecedented times with this pandemic that has swept the world. I hear and feel the anxiety of others around me and with my coaching clients, things feel heavy, scary, and out of control.

I have to be honest, I worry what months of social distancing will do to our psyche and the long-term effects on our mental health. When I have to tell my 3 year old daughter that she can’t touch or hug her cousin, and that her beloved school is closed and I don’t know when she’ll go back. I wonder what that is doing to her. She might not remember all of the details of this but I believe these things may have a lasting impression on her.

How to Ease Anxiety Over the Coronavirus COVID-19

How to Ease Anxiety Over the Coronavirus COVID-19

The fear of the Coronavirus COVID-19 is sweeping the world and regardless if you think people are overreacting, the fact is that this is now considered to be a pandemic. I’m seeing a lot of people and small business owners panicking, empty shelves at stores, and people are worried about themselves and their families. A lot of people don’t have faith in our leaders, our healthcare system, and they can’t afford to get sick.

After taking a few days to sit in my own fear and anxiety I asked myself, “What can I do to help?” I am a believer in the collective consciousness that is felt by every single person on this planet. “The term "collective consciousness" has been used to refer to the overall social atmosphere that arises from the thought and behavior of all the individual members of a community or society.” (HuffPost Blog)

How to Manifest Your Ideal Client (Partner or Employee)

How to Manifest Your Ideal Client (Partner or Employee)

First let’s talk about manifesting your ideal client. If you’ve taken any marketing classes almost everyone will tell you to create an Ideal Client Avatar. This is a detailed profile focusing on just one person outlining everything about them. You focus on specifics like where she lives, where she shops, what music she loves, if she’s married or has kids, and you give her a name. This way when you’re creating content you have this one ideal client in mind. I think we’ve been taught to go about this all wrong. I think we should be focusing less on the specifics and more of the feeling of the ideal client we want to work with.

Are You Tired of Feeling Stuck?

Are You Tired of Feeling Stuck?

We have all felt the feeling of being stuck at one time or another. What I’ve learned from my own life experience and listening to my coaching clients is that when we feel stuck it means we’re too focused on the gap of where we currently are and where we want to be. You have to stop telling yourself that you’re stuck because the more you think you’re stuck the more you’ll be and the worse you’ll feel.

A Life Changing Morning Routine (in under 20 minutes)

A Life Changing Morning Routine (in under 20 minutes)

Picture this: Your eyes open and then you’re rushing around trying to get yourself and your kiddos ready and out the door. You feel frazzled and overwhelmed and the day has barely started. You’re yelling at everyone, you spill coffee on your shirt, and forget your car keys. When you finally get to work you already feel exhausted and defeated.

There’s a better way to start your morning and it takes less than 20 minutes a day!

Blogging to Raise Your SEO

Do you want your website to be easy to find on Google?

Do you want to stand out among the competition?

I have 3 steps that I teach my business coaching clients to get better SEO on Google searches and blogging is just one of them! Today I am sharing my tips for blogging not only to help raise your SEO but also to help you showcase your expertise to your clients.

Do you have questions about blogging or SEO? Send me a message on my Contact page!

Grow Your Business with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of best platforms to be on to grow your business, build your community, and collaborate with other like-minded people like you!

Watch Kellie and I on the replay talking about how we connected on LinkedIn and how we’ve grown our coaching and consulting businesses because of it.

Got a question about using LinkedIn? Post it in the comments below!

For the link to get your freebie guide go here.

For more information about Kellie go here.



4 Mindfulness Practices That Can Change Your Life

4 Mindfulness Practices That Can Change Your Life

I’m sharing with you the mindfulness practices that have changed my life and I now teach to my coaching clients. At the peak of my makeup artistry business success I felt like I was on a fast moving train that I didn't know how to slow down or get off of. It was an exciting time and so much fun but there was also the constant feeling of being frazzled, like I was running a million miles a minute. I spent every second of my day worried that if I took any time away from my business that it would completely fall apart. I was always connected to my phone or my computer, I remember my kids asking for me to play and I never would, mommy was always working.

How to Become a Thought Leader

How to Become a Thought Leader

Do you dream of being known as a thought leader? This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart because I see so many women afraid to go all in, they are afraid of being truly seen and of being judged.

Now more than ever we need women to step up, to share their vision and their voice, to reach back and give a hand to the women who don’t yet see their purpose and their power. Thought leadership is about your legacy and the impact you’re making on this world.

The Midlife Meltdown

I’m changing the name from “midlife crisis” to “midlife meltdown” because you don’t want a freaking sports car, you want peace. You fear that time is running out, is it too late to go after your dreams? You worry that you should have this whole life thing figured out by now, you look around and it seems like everyone else does… newsflash they are just showing you their highlight reel on social media.

How to Stay Motivated

Have you been feeling unmotivated?

Did you start something and then lost your motivation?

Are you sure your goals are even aligned with who you truly are?

I’m sharing my methods for staying motivated and how to get your motivation back!



How to Step into Your Personal Power

Canva - Woman Stands on Brown Surface at Daytime.jpg

Are you ready to regain control over your life?

Are you tired of reacting to every little thing so that you feel exhausted and overwhelmed all the time?

Are you ready to know that being YOU is your superpower and that you can create everything that you desire?

What is personal power? There are many different definitions on the internet but my definition is the power you feel when you can handle anything in your life. It’s an unwavering belief that you can have, be and do anything that you desire. I believe personal power is the key for all the happiness, joy, abundance and success. I believe that it’s the key to creating everything that you want in your life.

How to Step into Your Personal Power

1. Think Bigger

Most people are only focused on what’s going on in the here and now. They focus on their problems, they’re stressing over their blessings, or they live in anxiety so worried about what hasn’t happened yet and may never happen. They are so wrapped up in their own drama or other people’s drama that they never think about what’s possible for them.

The most successful people know that you have to first envision it before you can create it. If you only see problems and negativity you will only get more of that. Start thinking about how you want your life to look and feel 5-10 years from now. We are the only creatures on this planet that have the power of imagination, use it to imagine a life that would make you so damn proud. Imagine doing work that feels meaningful and fulfilling, imagine making an impact and being incredibly abundant while doing it.

2. Understand YOU are Not Your Thoughts

We have something like 60,000 thoughts a day and most are from things we’ve picked up through our environment, life experiences, and a large majority of them are mental garbage. The negative thoughts we have tend to play on a loop in our mind, over and over, reminding us that we’re not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not skinny enough, etc… When we realize these thoughts are not our own we can begin to plant thoughts in our mind that do align with us, we can chose more positive thoughts.

3. Use Your Emotions as a Guide

Thoughts + Feelings = Action

If you have negative thoughts and are constantly reacting to your life with negative feelings/emotions how do you think your action is going to look? You’re going to go through life with your head down, unhappy, depressed, feeling like everything is against you and in turn you will be attracting negativity everywhere you turn. We can use our emotions as guides, the worse we feel, the more negative our thoughts have been. When we start choosing better thoughts we will feel better.

4. Recognize Your Triggers and Patterns

Do you go around reacting to everything? Someone cuts you off on your commute to work and you get angry. Your kids don’t do what you told them to so you feel resentment and frustration. Your boss is on you about a project at work so you feel stressed and anxious. You check your bank account and immediately it makes you feel awful and like a failure.

What if you could learn what your triggers are and chose not to react? What if you could wake up with the intention for how you want to feel and all day you are actively choosing that feeling? You would feel more powerful, right? When we know what triggers us we have the power to not react in the way that we always have. If you start to notice in your life, we have patterns that replay on a loop just like the negative thoughts in our mind.

In a marriage, your spouse says that one thing in that tone that you hate and it sets you off. You begin to argue and before you know it, you’re arguing the same argument that you have every single time. How did you get there? It’s a pattern.

By choosing not to react in the first place you step into your personal power and you’re choosing how you want to feel instead of reacting to outside influences. Will you always have this amount of control? No, probably not at first because this is a learned practice. It has taken you years to create the pattern, it takes time to create a new one. Know that you may fail over and over again which brings us to the last key piece...

5. Self-Appreciation is the Key

I saved what I believe is the hardest for last. Do you love yourself? Do you tell yourself how awesome and smart you are? Do appreciate your curvy body? Do you look in the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are inside and out? Do you love yourself even when things aren’t working out for you?

Loving and appreciating ourselves is one of the hardest things to do. We are told from a young age everything that we’re doing wrong, all the ways we should be different, how we should try to fit in and conform, and years later we don’t even know who we are anymore. We have to know that loving and appreciating ourselves is the first step to personal power as it affects everything in our life.

I almost took this part out because it is so different for everyone but it matters and that is your connection with Source. You are a human body with a soul, an inner being that is pure positive energy. Your soul feels nothing but love for you and everything around you, the further away you are from what your soul feels about you, the worse you feel. Your soul is your connection with Source/God/Universe and you can tap into that connection at anytime. You find it in the quiet spaces of your mind when you are appreciating something or in meditation. This connection is where you will find your peace, creativity and joy.

Most people stumble through life not understanding their personal power. How amazing would it be if we stopped stumbling and became creators in our lives? You have to know that you have the power to choose how you want to feel and you have the ability to create your reality. Once you start on this journey your life will become more fulfilling and so much more fun!

Let me know in the comments, are you ready to step into your personal power?



P.S. If you need help creating a big vision for your life, download my Personal Power Workbook.

Are you posting and hearing crickets?

Why is no one paying attention to content?

Have you been pouring your heart out creating content and posting but no one seems to be paying any attention?

You set up your website and your social media just like you were told to do and got to work. You’re spending so much time creating blogs and posting but every time you post something you hear nothing but crickets. You know you could help so many people if you could just get them to actually stop to read or listen to your content.

I have some tips that may help you get more engagement and build quality relationships that will be selling your products or services in no time!

Know Exactly Who You’re Talking To

When creating content think of that one person that desperately needs your help, find out where they hang out and post content that solves their burning problems. Be consistent, the statistic is we have to see something 12 times before we decide to trust or buy it, so don’t feel bad about posting often.

Connect with Video

Written blogs are great but most people just skim and barely read anymore so having video will help them connect with you faster. Besides creating live videos, create quality video content to post in your blog posts, on IGTV, your Facebook page, YouTube and LinkedIn. (If you just went holy hell how will I ever post to ALL those places, trust me it takes no time and gets your message out to so many people!)

Build Relationships on Social Media

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been reading a great business book and go to find the author on Instagram and they are either no where to be found or they have 6 posts and they haven’t posted in two years. I understand that we can’t be everywhere all the time but find out where you ideal client is hanging out, Instagram is great place to share more of who you are and behind the scenes stuff. Have your social media buttons easy to find on your website and remember your industry colleagues may be on Twitter but your ideal client may be on Instagram and wants to know more about you!

Get on O.P.P. (Other People’s Platforms)

Share you knowledge and build your audience faster by being interviewed for podcasts, written and video blogs, or guest post. I’ve been contacted right after one of my interviews aired for coaching, so yes this is a great way to get yourself booked out! By getting on O.P.P. you will build your audience and credibility so much faster and make great connections along the way.

Create Your Community

Using your Facebook page or create a group, connect with your community of followers, stop talking to them and engage with them. Post things so they can go, “Me too!” and maybe you have a hobby or a belief that will deepen your connection with your true followers even more. Pull back the curtain and share more of who you are… your story, your personality, skills and the people and things that you love. If you would like to learn more about building a personal brand go here.

Have you been hearing crickets with your content? Let me know in the comments how you plan to change that and if these tips helped you!



How to Build a Personal Brand

Blog How to Build Personal Brand

Let’s first talk about what a personal brand is not… it’s not your logo, your font or your branding colors.

Building a personal brand is the act of marketing yourself, your experiences, your personality, your interests, and your unique knowledge and skills.

Building a personal brand allows you to pivot in your career, connect with people on a deeper level, stand out and build the know, like, and trust factor. When you build a personal brand, you make yourself economy proof by becoming the “go to expert” and solving a big enough problem.

Ask yourself…

What makes me unique?

What am I skilled and knowledgeable on?

What problems can I help solve?

What do people naturally come to me for?

What do I want to be known for?

A favorite personal brand example of mine is Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, you know those amazing things that we wear under our clothes to make us look slimmer? Yeah like one of the best inventions ever! She has built a personal brand empowering women on her Instagram and speaking at conferences, she’s stepped out behind her incredibly successful business to build a brand as a thought leader.

As a makeup artist in the beauty industry for so many years, the questions I was always asked were, “What do you love most about doing makeup? What are your favorite products? What are your top tips for a 5 minute makeup routine?” It use to drive me crazy because I’m thinking there’s way more than just makeup tips in this brain of mine!

It wasn’t until I started to build a personal brand outside of my makeup artistry business that people became more interested in me. I started sharing my stories, my personal experiences of transformation, I shared my strategies and methodology for business and personal success. People started to see me, not just my craft, by building a personal brand I was able to pivot in my career and establish myself as a transformational life and business coach.

5 Steps to Building a Personal Brand

1. Craft Your Story

Sharing you story will connect you with others who need to hear what you have to say. If you tell your story in a compelling way and have others say, “Omgosh me too!” you connect with them on a deeper level.

2. Get Social

You want to start building your community and focus on serving not selling. Respond to comments on social media, don’t be afraid to take the conversation into your direct messages, consistently post valuable and useful content.

3. Know Who You’re Talking To

It helps to know your target market and specifically who your ideal client is so you can craft your message. Once you know your ideal client you can start talking directly to her and building a relationship.

4. Solve a Problem

Find out what your ideal client struggles with and then solve her problem, become the “go to” person in your industry… this does not mean be the only expert but become a contributor.

5. Make it Personal

Share who you really are, pull back the curtain on your life and share what makes you unique because the things that makes you different are your greatest assets.

Building a personal brand is about finding your voice, sharing your story, and building your community! If you have a desire to become a thought leader in your industry, building a personal brand is imperative. Even if you don’t but you want to stand out, building a personal brand will set you apart from the rest.

Would you rather watch than read? Check out the video below about building a personal brand!

I would love to hear from you, let me know in the comments if you’re building a personal brand for your business or career! If you’re ready to set up a free introductory coaching call go here.



Inspiring Women with Self-taught Illustrator

I loved having Jessi Bordi (who also happens to be my sister!) in my studio to talk about how she became a self-taught illustrator and how commitment and mindfulness have changed her life and business.

My favorite tweetable moment was when she said, “Be okay with sucking.”

You can follow Jessi on Instagram at @hazelandgraceillustrations.

Let us know if the comments what your takeaways were and if this inspired you to learn something new!



My Interview with Yvonne DiVita of Nurturing Big Ideas

Thank you to Yvonne DiVita of Nurturing Big Ideas for having me on as a guest for her show, “Conversations with Smart Women”.

We had a great conversation about stepping into the next level version of yourself and how clarity leads to abundance and success.

If you would like to learn more about my coaching services please go to my Contact page.

To learn more about Yvonne and her services please go to her website.



How to Make Self-Care a Priority

How to Make Self-Care a Priority

Mothers and women in general are burnt the hell out, it’s a tired that no amount of sleep can cure, an emotional exhaustion that we can’t seem to crawl out of.

This conversation keeps showing up in my coaching sessions and in talking with friends, we’re at a breaking point but we don’t know how to stop it. They’re telling me in hushed whispers…

“I’m trying to do everything, I have no time to myself.”

“I’m exhausted and I lose my temper.”

“I don’t even know who I am anymore.”

You love your spouse, your kids, your life but you’re tapped out and you’re running on fumes. There’s nothing more to give but yet we keep pushing, waiting for the answer to our prayers of things to slow down, so we can stop feeling so damn stressed out and anxious all the time.

Self-care is a buzzword we hear a lot now but what does it really mean? The dictionary defines self-care as “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.” We can’t pour from an empty cup, we need to fill ours up first so we can be all that we need to be for the one’s that we love. Especially us mothers we tend to over give of ourselves but the people who love us need us to be happy, not perfect and that means taking care of ourselves.

Maybe that means something as simple as going to get a pedicure, taking a day to read a book and drink tea alone or going on a hike and being in nature… whatever it is, you get to define what self-care is for you.

Life coach in Virginia Beach

Here are some tips to help you make self-care a priority:

Be honest with yourself

It’s time to let go of the perfect facade. Who are you trying to impress when you over volunteer your time, say “Yes” to doing things you hate, or strive for perfection for your kid’s birthday party? We have to let go of perfection, shut down Pinterest for a minute and know that done is better than perfect. If you’re overextending yourself to please others and burning yourself out in the process, get use to saying “No” more and making yourself a priority. Find a group of women that you can be authentic and real with, these women are your tribe.

Establish boundaries

Minimize the time you spend with “energy vampires” basically the people who suck the energy from you. Set your intention for how you want to feel for the day when you first wake up and if something or someone is trying to pull you from feeling the way you want to feel, try to avoid spending as much time with them. Intentions that I often set for the day are to feel calm, connected and to have fun.

Ask for help

Maybe you need to hire a sitter or ask your family for help. You could have your groceries delivered, have someone clean your house, whatever you can do to take some things off your plate so you don’t feel so overwhelmed. We can not nor should we try to do all the things by ourselves, ask for help when you need it and try to ask before you feel the overwhelm as it’s harder to shift out of when you’re in it, with an overflowing calendar of responsibilities.

Make a happy list

Have a list of 20 or more things that you love to do that make you feel seriously happy. This could be listening to you favorite music, dancing in the kitchen while making your kid’s lunches, spending quiet time meditating for a few minutes each day or going to a dance class. This is your list of the things that bring you the most joy, refer to this list often and incorporate as many as you can each day.

Schedule it

If it’s not in the calendar, it’s not going to happen! We are busy and we often put others before ourselves so we have to schedule our self-care time just like everything else. Putting ourselves first is hard and can bring up negative feelings. Let yourself feel them, maybe write them down in your journal and think back to a time when you were told or shown that in order to be liked you had to be everything to everyone or you aren’t a good mother unless you’re running yourself ragged.

Let me know in the comments, are you feeling burnt out? If you currently have a self-care practice and are making it a priority in your life, share with us in the comments.

If you’re feeling the burn and want more help contact me to set up a coaching session, I can help you work through your feelings and give you tools to minimize the stress and anxiety that you’re feeling so you can feel happier and more fulfilled in your life.



Image credit: Djordje Petrovic via Canva