Are you posting and hearing crickets?

Why is no one paying attention to content?

Have you been pouring your heart out creating content and posting but no one seems to be paying any attention?

You set up your website and your social media just like you were told to do and got to work. You’re spending so much time creating blogs and posting but every time you post something you hear nothing but crickets. You know you could help so many people if you could just get them to actually stop to read or listen to your content.

I have some tips that may help you get more engagement and build quality relationships that will be selling your products or services in no time!

Know Exactly Who You’re Talking To

When creating content think of that one person that desperately needs your help, find out where they hang out and post content that solves their burning problems. Be consistent, the statistic is we have to see something 12 times before we decide to trust or buy it, so don’t feel bad about posting often.

Connect with Video

Written blogs are great but most people just skim and barely read anymore so having video will help them connect with you faster. Besides creating live videos, create quality video content to post in your blog posts, on IGTV, your Facebook page, YouTube and LinkedIn. (If you just went holy hell how will I ever post to ALL those places, trust me it takes no time and gets your message out to so many people!)

Build Relationships on Social Media

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been reading a great business book and go to find the author on Instagram and they are either no where to be found or they have 6 posts and they haven’t posted in two years. I understand that we can’t be everywhere all the time but find out where you ideal client is hanging out, Instagram is great place to share more of who you are and behind the scenes stuff. Have your social media buttons easy to find on your website and remember your industry colleagues may be on Twitter but your ideal client may be on Instagram and wants to know more about you!

Get on O.P.P. (Other People’s Platforms)

Share you knowledge and build your audience faster by being interviewed for podcasts, written and video blogs, or guest post. I’ve been contacted right after one of my interviews aired for coaching, so yes this is a great way to get yourself booked out! By getting on O.P.P. you will build your audience and credibility so much faster and make great connections along the way.

Create Your Community

Using your Facebook page or create a group, connect with your community of followers, stop talking to them and engage with them. Post things so they can go, “Me too!” and maybe you have a hobby or a belief that will deepen your connection with your true followers even more. Pull back the curtain and share more of who you are… your story, your personality, skills and the people and things that you love. If you would like to learn more about building a personal brand go here.

Have you been hearing crickets with your content? Let me know in the comments how you plan to change that and if these tips helped you!

