Why Building a Personal Brand Matters

Do you dream of writing a book, public speaking, or being a leader in your community or industry? Then you need to build a personal brand. Establishing a personal brand can also help you in your business or career by helping you stand out from the crowd and can help if you plan to pivot in your career.

Personally for me, I come from the beauty industry and for many years most people only knew me as a professional makeup artist. When I decided that I wanted to pivot into the coaching industry I knew that I needed to pivot my personal brand. That took planning and time but it worked out and I was able to build my coaching business.

In business your branding is your logo and what colors you use, but your personal brand is who you are, what you stand for, and the impact you want to make in the world. We have to be conscious of how people perceive us and that is a big part of what personal brand mapping is. We work on creating your legacy and reverse engineer that to help you create your vision and goals so you know exactly what to do each step of the way.

If you’re interested in building your personal brand for your business or career, let’s set up a virtual 1:1 class! To book your your class go here to send me a message to get started!



Online Classes with Kim for Makeup, Social Media, & Personal Branding

Online Classes, come learn with me! 

Live, not pre-recorded, so you get the personalized attention that you’ve always wanted from an online class. 

  • Makeup 101

    Learn how to do your makeup for yourself or to look your best on camera or film. You’ll feel more confident and have the knowledge of what products and colors work best for you. 

  • Social Media 101

    With a focus on 1-3 platforms, learn how to navigate them, create content, learn about the best hashtags, and grow with paid and organic marketing.

  • Personal Brand Mapping

    No matter if you’re starting a business or pivoting in your career, it’s always a good idea to have a strong personal brand. This will help you stand out and help you make a bigger impact.

I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur, business owner, and coach. I have 20 years in the beauty industry, I’ve been business and career coaching for over 10 years, and added life and personal development coaching in 2019. 

I’m an instructor at our local Adult Learning Center and I’ve been teaching other people for as long as I can remember. I want to help you gain skills so that you can be better, do better, and make a bigger impact in the world.

Why book a class with me?

You’ll receive live, personalized, one-to-one classes from the comfort of your home and catered to your specific needs. They can be recorded so you can watch them again. 

How to book a class?

Just send us an email and let us know what class, what days and times are best for you (Monday-Friday 9:30-2:00 EST), and what your specific questions or concerns are for that particular topic. Please include your time zone if not EST and your cell phone number just in case we need to get in touch the day of your class via text. 

Once we finalize a time, we’ll send you a confirmation email and Zoom invite. Then we’ll email you an invoice that will need to be paid within 48 hours prior to the class time to save your spot or you’ll lose it. 

The cost for a personalized, one-to-one class for one hour via Zoom is $95.

These classes are meant to be fun, engaging, and educational. You’ll learn valuable skills that will help you personally and professionally!

Be better. Do better. Make a bigger impact.

I look forward to working with you!


(*Classes are non-refundable but are transferable one time to another date within 30 days or the payment is forfeited. Please give at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule.)

"I Am Free to Be Me" Children's Book

"I Am Free to Be Me" Children's Book

Introducing my new children’s book “I Am Free to Be Me”!

This has been a work in progress for awhile and I’m so happy to finally have it out in the world. I wrote the poem about the power of using our imagination and my sister is an amazing illustrator, so being able to collaborate with her was really fun! Last week I got to read it to my youngest daughter’s class as well as the other Kindergarten classes at King’s Grant Elementary in Virginia Beach. How cute are they?!

Children's book author Kim Porter reads to kids in the Kindergarten classes at King's Grant Elementary school in Virginia Beach.

It is available on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites. We are happy to come read the book and speak at schools in-person or virtually as well as any bookstores. This book is so much fun to read to kids and to groups. We have really enjoyed creating this book that teaches kids about using their own creativity and imaginations to be, do, or have anything they desire.

If you would like to follow along head over to our Instagram page.



How to Grow Your Business During Difficult Economic Times

How to Grow Your Business During Difficult Economic Times

There’s no doubt that the last few years have hit small business owners hard. Through a pandemic, inflation, high gas prices, and turmoil in the world, these have been difficult waters to navigate for all.

In this distracted world it’s harder than ever to get noticed on social media and although it can be tempting to pay for ads, consistency will get you further when you don’t have a large advertising budget.

I believe now is the best time to get back to basics, I like to take a 3 prong approach to organic marketing.

How to Build a Legacy Business

How to Build a Legacy Business

In a world of people clamoring for more likes and followers, how can you build a legacy business? One that stands the test of time and makes a positive impact on the world. A legacy business is one that makes an impact either locally, nationally, or on a global level.

Start with the end in mind… and no I don’t mean your exit strategy on your business plan. I mean, what do you want people to say about you when you’re no longer here?

What to do when your fight-or-flight response has been triggered by world events?

What to do when your fight-or-flight response has been triggered by world events?

The world is reeling again with the latest events happening in the Ukraine.

Our fight-or-flight response is intended as a survival mechanism to keep us safe but in this overactive, overstimulating, and overly connected world we live it… we are on overdrive.

Do I Need a Life Coach or Therapist?

Do I Need a Life Coach or Therapist?

Are you unsure if you should work with a life coach or a therapist? You’re not alone, it can be confusing. So let’s compare:

What is a therapist?

A therapist is a licensed health professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders.

What is a life coach?

A life coach is a person who counsels and encourages clients on personal matters and in their career.

Are you ready to go pro in your life and business?

This is the year to finally turn pro! I’m going to share what it takes to go pro and tips from “Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work” by Steven Pressfield.

Steven is also the author of “The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles” which I highly recommend.

In his book “Turning Pro” he explains the difference between an amateur and a professional, this can be for anything in your life or business.

An amateur is living as their shadow self or persona, in their comfort zone, predictable, using excuses, procrastination, and self-sabotage to not go after their dreams.

A pro is their true authentic self, stepping into their own power, moving past fear and resistance, and living the life they want and not settling for less.

Our Emotions Are Energy in Motion

Our Emotions Are Energy in Motion

We’ve all heard some variation of this saying…

”If you change your thoughts, you can change your life.”

But why and how does it work?

No one ever seems to explain how changing your thoughts and feelings changes your life, we’re just told to think positive thoughts.

10 Ways to Feel Less Stressed (and Love Your Life More!)

10 Ways to Feel Less Stressed (and Love Your Life More!)

The thing I hear so much is how stressed out most people feel. Life can feel overwhelming and like you have a millions spinning plates in the air… you’re just waiting for one to fall and they’ll all go crashing down. Does this sound familiar?

You can’t take every stressful thing from your life but you can learn to manage it to feel calmer and more in control. Through the years I have learned and created practices that I do to feel less stressed and that help my mental health. I’m sharing my 10 favorite ways to feel less stressed so you can love your life and feel more joyful.

Let’s be real, life is never going to be perfect all the time because let’s face it, shit happens! But in life it’s how we respond and react that makes all the difference on whether we are creating a life we love or creating a life of overwhelm and stress.

Pure Positive Energy Meditation (1 minute and 30 seconds)

Blog Pure Postive Energy Meditiation (1).png

This meditation is so easy and anyone can do it, even if you’ve struggled with meditation in the past. You can do it for 1 minute and 30 seconds or do more, it’s totally up to you.

Start by sitting comfortably in a quiet space. Imagine in your mind something you love unconditionally, that you have no negative thoughts or feelings about.

Your image can be of a loved one, a pet, a place, or something you love to do. Think about it using your 5 senses (what do you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell?) to really ground yourself in the feeling. Once you are in the feeling of pure love, close your eyes, and place your palms on your heart chakra at the center of your chest.

(* Start your timer now if you wish for 1 minute and 30 seconds.)

Breathe in through your nose filling your lungs with air, hold for a few seconds, breathe out fully through your mouth.

Repeat this 5 times keeping the image(s) in your mind.

Once you are done deep breathing, continue to breathe normal and keep the images in your mind. If your mind wanders continue to bring it back to your images.

When your timer goes off, slowly open your eyes and look all around you.

You are radiating pure positive energy.

This is your true nature. This is who you are and who you are meant to be.

Continue radiating pure positive energy as long as you can through out your day.

Come back to the meditation any time you like.

If you do this meditation please let me know in the comments how you feel and how it has helped you.

With love and light,


What is Our True Purpose?

What is our true purpose?

When I first started on my spiritual journey I believed that our purpose was to connect to a higher calling. I believed that meant that I needed to pivot in my career to serve others through coaching. As I’ve gone deeper on my path I realize that we can be doing anything, it doesn’t matter what our occupation is, we can always choose to be aligned with our true purpose.

This has been a very freeing revelation on my journey as I no longer feel like I have to upend my entire life to be in alignment. Our purpose has nothing to do with our occupation, it’s to live our lives to the fullest. To expand our awareness, to connect with the beauty of the world, and to enjoy our limited time here.

If a person is living a miserable life they are not connected to their true purpose. Most often this will lead to stress, anxiety, and dis-ease in the body.

Are you living the most awesome and expanded version of yourself?

Do you wakeup and feel excited for your day?

Do you marvel at the beauty and enjoy every day for the gift that it is?

If you don’t feel like this everyday that’s totally okay but it’s the people who never feel like this that I want to help reach. Even though I know that it doesn’t matter what my occupation is, I still feel my most fulfilled when I am coaching.

If you’re not where you want to be and you’re searching for a sense of purpose in your life, take a deep breath and slowly release it. Look around you, look out a window, place your hand on your heart and know that you have a purpose. It doesn’t matter what you’re currently doing, if you’re feeling a sense of a higher calling within you, that is Source Energy calling you for expansion.

You don’t have to quit your job this second to move towards the calling, you can do it right here and now. Know that you are worthy, that you are valuable, and you do have a purpose. The first step is to become aware and then the inner work can begin.

If you would like to connect with a guide to help you on your journey, I would love to connect with you. Comment below or contact me here.

With love and light, 


How to Pivot During the Pandemic

How to Pivot During the Pandemic

If you’re like so many others who are looking to this next year with a lot less optimism about where your career or industry will be, it might be time to pivot. With the uncertainty that lies ahead I am receiving calls and messages on the daily with people wanting help on what to do next with their career.

Here’s what I know about small business owners and entrepreneurs…

How I Got Started Using CBD

How I Got Started Using CBD

In 2017 I went through the deepest and darkest depression that I had ever been in my life. I would drive around just to find a place to cry alone, I had thoughts of dying, and I just wanted the pain to end.

It was a long journey to finding my happy place again but eventually I did. In the process I learned so many amazing ways to help me deal with my stress and anxiety, which has led me to the ER more than once in my life. It was after this dark time in my life that I became a coach for women to help them deal with the overwhelm and burnout they were feeling in their lives and businesses.

How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety During Tumultuous Times

Wow saying 2020 has been a doozy is an understatement, amiright?! We are experiencing pandemic worries, election anxiety, virtual school stress, and fears over the economy as we’re in a recession.

From reading my social media and hearing from others, everyone’s stress level is through the roof. My therapist coaching clients are telling me that they are prescribing medications like crazy and I’ve been hearing about a rise in autoimmune disease stress-related flare ups. Stress can wreak havoc causing dis-ease in our bodies.

{Lifestyle} Mrs. Fearnow's Brunswick Stew Knockoff Recipe

{Lifestyle} Mrs. Fearnow's Brunswick Stew Knockoff Recipe

I posted this recipe originally on my old blog on Thursday, January 3, 2013. It has gotten so much attention through the years, I even received a message from Mrs. Fearnow’s grandson (see below), so I thought I would share it with you all.

Marketing Tips for Women Who Hate Marketing

Marketing Tips for Women Who Hate Marketing

I meet and coach so many women who have something amazing to share with the world but they don’t do the work to put themselves out there. I wanted to give you some strategies to help you master your marketing, consider this your cheat sheet for those of you who hate marketing.

Marketing is not a bad word and you shouldn’t be afraid or resent social media either. Honestly, social media is not some necessary evil we must force ourselves to do…. social media is our friend! It’s how we can connect with the world, build our community, and share our work and mission with others.

How to Release Blocks & Heal Past Trauma

How to Release Blocks & Heal Past Trauma

When I was in the third grade I got caught passing a note that had some not so nice words written on it. I was sent to the principle, shamed by my teacher and parents, spanked with a paddle, and put on restriction. It was the first time in my life that I had ever seen my dad cry.

As with all things that incident became a memory and I went on with my life but I continued to carry shame and guilt around with me for years.

6 Ways to Avoid Burnout

6 Ways to Avoid Burnout

I was having a conversation with hairstylist recently, we had a lot in common as I’ve been in the beauty industry as a makeup artist for 20 years.

We got to talking about doing the same job for decades and how we deal with burnout. She confessed that she’s bored with her work, it doesn't feel exciting any more, and she doesn't see how she’s going to keep doing this for another 20 years.