10 Ways to Feel Less Stressed (and Love Your Life More!)

The thing I hear most often from people is how stressed out they feel. Life can feel so overwhelming, like you have a millions spinning plates in the air… you’re just waiting for one to fall and they’ll all go crashing down. Does this sound familiar?

You can’t take every stressful thing from your life but you can learn to manage it to feel calmer and more in control. Through the years I have learned and created practices that I do to feel less stressed and that help my mental health.

Let’s be real, life is never going to be perfect all the time but in life it’s how we respond and react that makes all the difference and having mindfulness practices helps too!

10 Ways to Feel Less Stressed (and Love Your Life More!)

1. Deep Breathing

I love this one because you can do it anytime and anywhere. Also called “diaphragmatic” or “belly breathing” this exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety, helps to slow your heart rate, and can also help lower blood pressure.

How to do it: Breathe in slowly through your nose, your chest and belly will rise as you fill up your lungs with air. Hold for 4 seconds and breathe out slowly through your mouth. Do this 5 times or until you feel more relaxed.

2. Get Out in Nature

There’s nothing better than getting some sun on your face (sun protected, of course), listening to the birds chirping, or ocean waves crashing on the shore. I love to take hikes around my beautiful city to help me feel less stressed.

3. Journaling

This isn’t your teen years of “Dear Diary” this is about being real and honest with yourself on paper. Focus on how you’re feeling and then focus on how you want to feel. Ask yourself these 3 questions:

What do I want?

Why do I want it?

How do I want to feel?

4. Practice Gratitude

Write down 25 things by filling in this sentence, “I am grateful for _____ because ______.” This exercise will help you totally shift your mindset to feeling more positive and feeling so good for all that you already have.

5. Meditation

This does not have to be challenging, if you have struggled with trying to meditate before, take it easy on yourself this is a practice that takes time to master. Start with something easy, I love Nicky Sutton’s “8 Minute Morning Meditation” on YouTube for a fast and easy way to feeling good.

6. Exercise

Whatever you love to do whether it’s dancing, walking, running, kayaking… do more of it. We know that exercise helps release endorphins that trigger more positive feelings. It helps you feel good and makes life more joyful.

7. Write a Happy List

This is one of my favorite exercises, write down 30 things that you love to do or to have. Some of mine are… enjoying my morning cup of coffee, reading a chapter in a good book, listening to music, and smelling fresh flowers. Once you complete your list keep it somewhere where you can see it and everyday try to do as many things on your list as possible.

8. Meet up with a Friend

Have lunch or go on a walk with a friend. But there’s a caveat… no complaining about your problems and how stressed out you are! Enjoy the company of who you’re spending time with, eat delicious food, see beautiful things, and consciously raise your vibration to a better feeling place.

9. Meet with your Coach

I suggest to my coaching clients to keep a running note in their phones for things they want to work on at their next session. Coaching is a powerful and life changing experience that can greatly enhance your life. If you don’t have a coach please reach out, I would love to learn more about you and see if we’re a good fit, comment below or click here.

10. Take CBD 

CBD has been life changing for my mental health. I have suffered from anxiety for most of my life that has led to trouble sleeping, focusing, and feeling overwhelmed. I love taking a nature, organic CBD oil that helps me feel calmer, have more clarity, and more in balance.


If you work on just one or two of these for the next two weeks you could see a significant difference in your mood and stress levels. Let me know in the comments or find me on Instagram at @kimportertv to share your journey to feeling less stressed and loving your life!

