
"I Am Free to Be Me" Children's Book

"I Am Free to Be Me" Children's Book

Introducing my new children’s book “I Am Free to Be Me”!

This has been a work in progress for awhile and I’m so happy to finally have it out in the world. I wrote the poem about the power of using our imagination and my sister is an amazing illustrator, so being able to collaborate with her was really fun! Last week I got to read it to my youngest daughter’s class as well as the other Kindergarten classes at King’s Grant Elementary in Virginia Beach. How cute are they?!

Children's book author Kim Porter reads to kids in the Kindergarten classes at King's Grant Elementary school in Virginia Beach.

It is available on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites. We are happy to come read the book and speak at schools in-person or virtually as well as any bookstores. This book is so much fun to read to kids and to groups. We have really enjoyed creating this book that teaches kids about using their own creativity and imaginations to be, do, or have anything they desire.

If you would like to follow along head over to our Instagram page.



Are you ready to go pro in your life and business?

This is the year to finally turn pro! I’m going to share what it takes to go pro and tips from “Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work” by Steven Pressfield.

Steven is also the author of “The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles” which I highly recommend.

In his book “Turning Pro” he explains the difference between an amateur and a professional, this can be for anything in your life or business.

An amateur is living as their shadow self or persona, in their comfort zone, predictable, using excuses, procrastination, and self-sabotage to not go after their dreams.

A pro is their true authentic self, stepping into their own power, moving past fear and resistance, and living the life they want and not settling for less.