mental health crisis

What to do when your fight-or-flight response has been triggered by world events?

What to do when your fight-or-flight response has been triggered by world events?

The world is reeling again with the latest events happening in the Ukraine.

Our fight-or-flight response is intended as a survival mechanism to keep us safe but in this overactive, overstimulating, and overly connected world we live it… we are on overdrive.

How I Got Started Using CBD

How I Got Started Using CBD

In 2017 I went through the deepest and darkest depression that I had ever been in my life. I would drive around just to find a place to cry alone, I had thoughts of dying, and I just wanted the pain to end.

It was a long journey to finding my happy place again but eventually I did. In the process I learned so many amazing ways to help me deal with my stress and anxiety, which has led me to the ER more than once in my life. It was after this dark time in my life that I became a coach for women to help them deal with the overwhelm and burnout they were feeling in their lives and businesses.

How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety During Tumultuous Times

Wow saying 2020 has been a doozy is an understatement, amiright?! We are experiencing pandemic worries, election anxiety, virtual school stress, and fears over the economy as we’re in a recession.

From reading my social media and hearing from others, everyone’s stress level is through the roof. My therapist coaching clients are telling me that they are prescribing medications like crazy and I’ve been hearing about a rise in autoimmune disease stress-related flare ups. Stress can wreak havoc causing dis-ease in our bodies.