positive energy

Our Emotions Are Energy in Motion

Our Emotions Are Energy in Motion

We’ve all heard some variation of this saying…

”If you change your thoughts, you can change your life.”

But why and how does it work?

No one ever seems to explain how changing your thoughts and feelings changes your life, we’re just told to think positive thoughts.

Pure Positive Energy Meditation (1 minute and 30 seconds)

Blog Pure Postive Energy Meditiation (1).png

This meditation is so easy and anyone can do it, even if you’ve struggled with meditation in the past. You can do it for 1 minute and 30 seconds or do more, it’s totally up to you.

Start by sitting comfortably in a quiet space. Imagine in your mind something you love unconditionally, that you have no negative thoughts or feelings about.

Your image can be of a loved one, a pet, a place, or something you love to do. Think about it using your 5 senses (what do you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell?) to really ground yourself in the feeling. Once you are in the feeling of pure love, close your eyes, and place your palms on your heart chakra at the center of your chest.

(* Start your timer now if you wish for 1 minute and 30 seconds.)

Breathe in through your nose filling your lungs with air, hold for a few seconds, breathe out fully through your mouth.

Repeat this 5 times keeping the image(s) in your mind.

Once you are done deep breathing, continue to breathe normal and keep the images in your mind. If your mind wanders continue to bring it back to your images.

When your timer goes off, slowly open your eyes and look all around you.

You are radiating pure positive energy.

This is your true nature. This is who you are and who you are meant to be.

Continue radiating pure positive energy as long as you can through out your day.

Come back to the meditation any time you like.

If you do this meditation please let me know in the comments how you feel and how it has helped you.

With love and light,
