What is Our True Purpose?

What is our true purpose?

When I first started on my spiritual journey I believed that our purpose was to connect to a higher calling. I believed that meant that I needed to pivot in my career to serve others through coaching. As I’ve gone deeper on my path I realize that we can be doing anything, it doesn’t matter what our occupation is, we can always choose to be aligned with our true purpose.

This has been a very freeing revelation on my journey as I no longer feel like I have to upend my entire life to be in alignment. Our purpose has nothing to do with our occupation, it’s to live our lives to the fullest. To expand our awareness, to connect with the beauty of the world, and to enjoy our limited time here.

If a person is living a miserable life they are not connected to their true purpose. Most often this will lead to stress, anxiety, and dis-ease in the body.

Are you living the most awesome and expanded version of yourself?

Do you wakeup and feel excited for your day?

Do you marvel at the beauty and enjoy every day for the gift that it is?

If you don’t feel like this everyday that’s totally okay but it’s the people who never feel like this that I want to help reach. Even though I know that it doesn’t matter what my occupation is, I still feel my most fulfilled when I am coaching.

If you’re not where you want to be and you’re searching for a sense of purpose in your life, take a deep breath and slowly release it. Look around you, look out a window, place your hand on your heart and know that you have a purpose. It doesn’t matter what you’re currently doing, if you’re feeling a sense of a higher calling within you, that is Source Energy calling you for expansion.

You don’t have to quit your job this second to move towards the calling, you can do it right here and now. Know that you are worthy, that you are valuable, and you do have a purpose. The first step is to become aware and then the inner work can begin.

If you would like to connect with a guide to help you on your journey, I would love to connect with you. Comment below or contact me here.

With love and light, 
