career change

Are you ready to go pro in your life and business?

This is the year to finally turn pro! I’m going to share what it takes to go pro and tips from “Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work” by Steven Pressfield.

Steven is also the author of “The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles” which I highly recommend.

In his book “Turning Pro” he explains the difference between an amateur and a professional, this can be for anything in your life or business.

An amateur is living as their shadow self or persona, in their comfort zone, predictable, using excuses, procrastination, and self-sabotage to not go after their dreams.

A pro is their true authentic self, stepping into their own power, moving past fear and resistance, and living the life they want and not settling for less.

How to Pivot During the Pandemic

How to Pivot During the Pandemic

If you’re like so many others who are looking to this next year with a lot less optimism about where your career or industry will be, it might be time to pivot. With the uncertainty that lies ahead I am receiving calls and messages on the daily with people wanting help on what to do next with their career.

Here’s what I know about small business owners and entrepreneurs…

How to Pivot in Your Career

life coach virginia beach

Are you feeling stuck and unfulfilled in your career? It may be the right time for a career pivot! A career pivot a transition or shift from your current career into a new career but it doesn’t always mean doing something completely different, it may just mean a slight shift in direction.

How do you know when it’s time for a pivot? When you’re being called for more, you feel a loss of purpose or your health is declining because of stress and anxiety. To shift from your old career you could go all out and quit but a subtle shift is sometimes best, it’s changing your sails ever so slightly to start heading in a new direction.

Know Your Long-Term Vision

Sit down with a piece of paper or your journal and start writing out what you want your life to look like 10 years from now. What does a new career look and feel like for you? Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with? How do you spend your day? Clarity is the most important thing because knowing what you do want helps you to know what you don’t want. If you’re leaving one career for another, know what you really want so you don’t go just recreating the same thing in a new career.

Start Preparing Now

Does taking the leap into a new career mean a loss of income? Start preparing now. Write a list of all of the things that need to happen for you to reach this vision of your new career. Don’t get overwhelmed it doesn’t have to be all done in a day, a pivot is about taking little steps and repositioning your sails. Start following the leaders in your industry that you would like to have a similar career, see what they’re doing and posting about to get an idea of what you should be doing.

Brand Yourself

Start branding yourself outside of your current career, if you’re known for something it’s hard for people to see you as something else so start putting yourself out there. If you’ve been doing your side hustle for awhile starting talking about it more and introducing people to this new side of you. This may be the time to start blogging or posting mini-articles on LinkedIn if you aren’t already, this way you can start getting your thoughts out into the world.

Face Your Fears

What are your biggest fears and whose opinion are you most worried about? Take out a piece of paper or your journal and face head on how you’re feeling and what this might mean for the people closest to you. Don’t feel guilty for wanting to expand there’s nothing wrong with you. You can’t stuff those feelings down and pretend like they don’t exist, if something’s not working instead of putting your head in the sand, address it head on and figure out what it is that will make you feel fulfilled and happy.

Don’t Go Back

Sometimes it’s our instinct to go back to a time that felt happier and easier, that may mean making your business small again or going back to where your career started but you can’t shrink back after you’ve already expanded. Those same feelings that had you looking for something more before may start creeping back up and you’ll end up right back where you started.

Take Stock of Your Inventory

Know your skills and expertise have a real heart-to-heart with yourself and get clear on your strengths. Where do you excel? What’s the part of your current career that lights you up and gets you most excited? Our success leaves clues so find out what it is that you love and that you’re amazing at and use that information to start navigating into new waters.

Ask yourself:

What does a successful and fulfilling career look like for me?

Where do I excel and what do I love doing?

What do I need to do to prepare for a career change?

What are the problems I may face?

If you’re being called for something else it’s not by accident, think of it as being called by your higher self. Whatever your skills and talents are the world needs them and it needs you living full out in your highest purpose!

If you liked this article I would love to hear from you in the comments! Are you considering a pivot in your career? As always if you need help getting clarity around your purpose, if you’re ready for a pivot or full on career change I’m here to help. Go to Work with Me to find out more!

