Goal Setting the Right Way!


You have to know where you're going before you can actually get there, forget about New Year's resolutions and focus on creating goals with soul!

I created this free workbook for those that want to see big changes in their lives and manifest things they could only dream about.

Get the workbook: Personal Power Workbook

In 2012 my sister convinced me to take an online Vision & Goal Setting Workshop, I thought it was silly and a waste of my time and boy was I wrong! As a freelance makeup artist for brides I had booked only 6 weddings by the end of 2012 so when I took this workshop I created some big goals for myself.

By the following year I had 31 weddings booked, opened my makeup studio, created a makeup line and hired assistants to work on my team. I grew my business to amazing heights I could have only dreamed about with my work being featured in national magazines, getting hired to do makeup for television like The Dr. Phil show and doing makeup for presidential campaigns hanging out with the Secret Service!

I was mind blown at how much I was able to accomplish in such a small amount of time and I went on a journey to find out how it was possible! I’ll tell you that goal setting from where you are right now will only lead to frustration and loss of motivation which is why most gyms are empty by February!

I think you will find this workbook will open your eyes to the possibilities that are waiting for you and I would love to hear what comes up for you! Comment here, send me a message on social media or an email at info@kimportertv.com!

Check out this testimonial… "I finished my Personal Power Workbook...it wasn't easy it took me a week. Guys, if you haven't done this do it and then give Kim the biggest hug ever. Do it in a Zen state, relaxed and open minded.

Allow yourself to really dig deep into you! Put aside everything else in your life while doing it. I promise you won't regret taking the time, you won't recognize yourself afterwards. I literally finished and reread some of my answers. It gave me a new fresh outlook on where I want to be personally and professionally.

I had to be raw and vulnerable. I had to think about my success and I don't always do that. It made me have so many emotions while doing it, it’s powerful and positive and it puts everything into perspective. I promise you will say, ’Wow, I got this shit!!’. “

- Audra Cindric, owner of Simply Elegant by Audra

Get the workbook: Personal Power Workbook



How to Create a Vision Board

How to Vision Board Goal Setting

I received a message the other day she said, “Hi may I ask you a question about vision boards, can I draw my vision instead of pasting pictures on the board?” My answer was, “Yes of course it’s your vision to do as you wish!”

But before creating your vision board there are some key things that you must do that I think some people don’t realize. The vision board is a piece to creating the life you want but it’s not the whole puzzle! I’ve listed the key steps below and if you’re interested in learning more my podcast episodes #4 and #5 break down these steps even more, the link is below.

1. Grab a pen and paper and find a quiet place. Think about and write down all the things you want in your life the feelings, physical things and accomplishments.

2. Now imagine a day in your life 10 years from now. How old are you? Who are you with? Where are you? What are you doing? What do you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch? On another sheet of paper use your 5 senses to create a descriptive vision of what you’re doing, how you’re going about your day and how you are feeling. Write down the date at the bottom of your paper. 

3. This is when you put your vision board together, it shows images or drawings of what you saw in your vision (and you can have multiple visions). These images and drawings act as anchors so every time you see your board you feel excited about the life you’re creating!

I would love to hear from you, have you created a vision board? Leave a comment below!



Image Credit: www.instagram.com/afabulousfete 

How Do You Know When It's Time To Get Help?

None of us do this alone, if you’re trying to start and grow your business all by yourself you are doing it wrong!

Watch this video as I help you break down the steps from when you first start your business, when you’re ready to uplevel and when you surpass your peer group.

For more information about my Inner Circle Coaching Group go to www.kimportertv.com/innercircle.



12 Tips to Grow Your Makeup Artistry Business!

I received an email from a full-time freelance makeup artist who works in beauty, fashion and bridal. She said, “Could you offer me advice on how to promote myself, how to network and contact others, and how to grow my business?”

In this video I answered her questions and gave her some tips to grow her business and get her website on the first pages of Google!



5 Reasons Why Your Business is Struggling

Blog Post Image.png

1. You’re not charging enough

You invest your time, supplies and knowledge, education that you’ve paid for so that you can be amazing at what you do and you’re not being compensated the way that you should be. The biggest reason I hear why business owners aren’t charging enough is, “Well I didn’t know how much to charge so I just picked a number.”

Do yourself and your industry a favor and ask someone, email or message a few people local to you or look on their website. Figure out what feels comfortable to you but don’t go low just because you’re new, base it on your experience, skill level and what feels right to you.

2. You’re not taking it seriously

You’re leaving emails and phone calls unanswered, maybe you’re not showing up and putting in 100%, you’re slacking on your social media and not generating new business or you’re spending money that should be going back into your business. Remember that the first year or two you may not be making a paycheck because everything you make should be going back into growing your business - your supplies, your audience and your education. If you spend everything you make you’re not going to be investing and growing your business.

3. You need help you’re trying to do everything on your own

Maybe you need help with coaching, you need to hire someone that can help you see the big picture and gain the clarity and confidence you need to grow a successful business. Maybe you need help IN your business, you need to hire a team, an assistant or even a virtual assistant. None of us do this on our own we need others to help lift us up so recognize when you need help and get it.

4. You’re not setting boundaries

You’re saying “Yes” to too many things or the wrong things. You’re not thinking, “Does this align with me and my long-term vision for my business?” Maybe you’re letting your clients walk all over you or you aren’t taking the time off to take care of yourself. You’re not attracting the right kind of clients or you don’t have tight agreements and contracts, you feel like you’re being taken advantage of and you’re starting to feel resentful.

You wanted to start your own business so that you could design a life that you love, you need to be in control of the projects and clients that you take on and work with. You need to be in control over how often you work and set clear boundaries so your clients know how to work with you.

5. You are sabotaging yourself

You’re procrastinating on projects, you’re promising things and not following through, you get a little success and you start to take your foot off the gas halting your momentum. A lot of business owners deal with their own kind of sabotage like letting self-doubt derail them. Maybe you’re not getting the support from your friends and family and you’re letting that stop you. It’s our job to recognize our own self-sabotage and not let it defeat us because it will rear its ugly head anytime we start to make progress or moving up to the next step.

I would love to hear from you. If you’re struggling in your business, did these help you?

Comment below!



Is it time to uplevel your business?

The Makeup Studio & Beauty Lounge, owned by Kim Porter, located in Virginia Beach, VA.

The Makeup Studio & Beauty Lounge, owned by Kim Porter, located in Virginia Beach, VA.

How do you know when it’s time to hire a team, open a studio or start selling products?

How do you know when it’s time to start selling products?

I’m a huge proponent of selling products at any stage of your business as this is how you start to create multiple income streams and long-term clients. There are so many ways you can sell products in your business like network marketing, wholesale products or private label… but have something to sell them!

I created my Kim Porter Beauty line after teaching makeup lessons and knowing that clients were going to makeup stores feeling confused and overwhelmed and I was basically giving more income to those stores instead of keeping it in my business. My makeup line accounts for about 15% of my annual income, it’s not a huge amount but it adds to my income and I have clients for life!

How do you know when it’s time to hire a team?

When you’ve got more inquiries than you can handle! When you’ve got systems in place, your business is well-organized and you can handle booking and dealing with many clients at a time. If being organized with scheduling and invoicing is not your thing you may want to wait until you can hire an assistant or virtual assistant that can handle those things for you before hiring a team. A lot of makeup artists and beauty professionals that work on a team are freelance independent contractors and receive a percentage of each client or job.

How do you know when it’s time to open a studio or take on your own space?

Most makeup artists start by going on-location or having their clients come to their home. I had my bridal clients come to my home for years before I ever considered getting my own space. It wasn’t until I was booking 30 weddings a year that I got tired of cleaning up my house with 2 kids and 2 dogs!

My first space was 100 sq. ft. room, I went to drop off business cards at a photographers new space and was offered a room to rent. I was booking 50 weddings a year by the time I moved into my own 650 sq. ft. space. If you are a makeup artist most likely weddings aren’t going to afford you a space of your own unless you are offering other services like special event makeup, lessons and classes. If you can, add services like skin care and airbrush tanning, the more services you have will help keep you with a steady stream of income during the slower seasons.

A good rule of thumb is keeping your rent, utilities, and insurance about 1/3 of your annual income. I recommend renting a booth, a corner in a photography studio or small room to find out if having a space of your own is really something you want. You may find the responsibility of having your own space, the cost and upkeep may not be worth it for you and your business!

If you know someone who would like this article please share it with them and be sure to sign up for my newsletter on my website home page so we can keep in touch!



How I Became a Makeup Artist

Photography credit: Jessica Ryan Photography

Photography credit: Jessica Ryan Photography

If I has a $1 for every time someone asked me that, well I’d be really rich! I get it when you’re just starting out it’s easier to emulate someone else but remember that every person’s journey is going to be different.

I didn’t start doing makeup because I absolutely loved it and couldn’t wait to be a makeup artist, I started in makeup as a part-time job as I was going to school taking classes to be an elementary school teacher. I fell in love with the creativity of it and I decided to make it my career when I realized I could have a flexible schedule and have my own business. So to answer your question…

What are the exact steps you took to build your successful business?

  1. In 2001 I took a job working part-time in a cosmetics store with zero experience in makeup.

  2. I learned by practicing, reading books and watching videos (this was pre-YouTube).

  3. Women started asking me if I could do their wedding makeup.

  4. I made the decision that this is what I wanted to do and that I would start my own business, I started building my professional makeup kit.

  5. I did makeup on my friends and those that were getting married I would do their wedding makeup and I would get pictures for my portfolio.

  6. In 2004 I hired a coach one on one for 3 days and he became my long-time mentor.

  7. I had a logo made, I purchased business cards, and sent post cards to the wedding and venue coordinators in my area. This got me a connection into our local teleport station which led to me doing makeup for TV.

  8. I did makeup as a side hustle while my two kids were little and decided to finally take my business full-time at the end of 2012.

  9. I took an online Vision and Goal Setting Workshop that help me get clear on my goals and long-term vision.

  10. I created my signature cosmetic line as I started teaching more makeup lessons and classes.

  11. I hired a web designer to build my first website.

  12. I started networking on social media with my local wedding pros and went to networking events.

  13. I went to drop off my business cards to a wedding photographer in her new office and was offered to rent a room, that was my first studio space.

  14. In 2013 I increased my business by 500% and by more than 800% just 2 years later. I was booking 50 weddings a year, had moved into a bigger studio by myself, had a small team, was hired for celebrities and politicians, and had my work published in blogs and magazine.

  15. That was 2015, since then I’ve had a baby, moved into a huge studio that cost as much as my mortgage, then realized that wasn’t my dream after all and moved into a smaller space that is so gorgeous I can’t believe that it’s mine! There I sell my makeup line, do bridal trials, special event makeup, and teach makeup lessons and classes.

  16. I realized my love for coaching women and started Kim Porter TV. I coach women one to one and in my group coaching membership site and private Facebook group. I have evolved as a makeup artist, it is no longer my goal to book 50 weddings a year as I’ve done it and I believe that I’m here for a bigger reason.

I believe that my story of success and failures (they are never actually failures but detours) are to help other women be successful in their lives and businesses. Success is a journey, it’s never a straight line but if you keep at it all the steps and what seems like wrong turns, make sense when you look back on them!

Learn my top 10 Steps to Start Your Makeup Artistry Business.



Makeup Artist Business Q & A

Anytime I receive an email question that I think my answer would help others, I like to share it. This makeup artist wanted to know if I could help her build her clientele and make more money in her business.

My answers might surprise you and it’s simple things that could help you too!

If you have a question about your business, email me at info@kimportertv.com!



The Kim Porter Show Podcast!

business life coach virginia beach

I am so excited to share a passion project with you, my podcast, The Kim Porter Show is currently on iTunes, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.

I'm getting deep, law of attraction and maybe a little woo woo but this will definitely help you get the life and business you really want!

I would love to know what you think, leave a comment here or come over to my Kim Porter Facebook page!



Should You Use IGTV for Your Business?

Have you heard Instagram released an app for long-form videos? This app called IGTV allows you to post vertical videos to your own channel for up to 60 minutes. Whenever a new social media app like this releases everyone loses their minds and it's like the biggest, newest toy ever... but should you become an early adopter and hop on while it's still new?

The answer is HECK YES!!

IGTV is hoping to rival YouTube for your video watching attention and it's available to everyone to create videos, unlike Facebook Watch. You create your own channel by first downloading the app, record a video on your phone, upload it to IGTV, upload a thumbnail if you want, then post your title and description.

So what should you post videos about? You want to keep any content that you create either educational, entertaining, or inspiring. Some ideas of things to post are:

  • Tutorials

  • Product Reviews or Demos

  • Behind the Scenes

  • Educational Videos

What do you need to get started? Just your smart phone but it helps to have a tripod and if you're worried about lighting, a ring light will make you look amazing! Here's a screen shot of my first IGTV video!

(Image left no ring light... image right with my beloved ring light!)

(Image left no ring light... image right with my beloved ring light!)

One thing to keep in mind is that your Instagram handle (your "username") is not the first thing you see, it's your description (your "name" when you edit your profile). Also, only the first 2 sentences of your bio show up so make sure that it's clear what you do. As of right now there is no monetization which means you can't make money off your videos but also there's no ads to interrupt your viewing pleasure.

Once you post your video on IGTV, you can go to your Instagram Stories, post an image and link your IGTV video. Genius! The videos don't have to be as polished as YouTube videos but make sure you have a purpose for the video, you introduce yourself and give a call to action at the end.

So be sure to come follow me at Kim Porter TV and send me a message if you create your own IGTV channel so I can come follow you!






How do I become a makeup artist?

Megan emailed me that she is graduating high school and wants to be a freelance makeup artist. What are the steps she need to take to start her business?

Here's the blog post link I mentioned in this video: https://www.kimportertv.com/blog/10stepstostartyourmakeupartistrybusiness

If you have a question about starting or growing your makeup artistry business send me message on my Contact page or email me at info@kimportertv.com!



Side Hustle Makeup Artist: Turn Your Passion Into Profit

Side Hustle Makeup Artist


Should you try to take your makeup artistry business full-time or keep it as a side hustle? Of course every person's situation and expenses will be different so consider what will work best for you but here's my take based on my own experience...

For over 10 years I worked my makeup artistry business as a side hustle as I worked full-time at a cosmetics store, in a clothing store, and then I stayed home with my children for 7 years all the while doing bridal trials in the evenings and wedding makeup on the weekends. I loved every minute of working my business as a side hustle! I had time to spend with my family, I was making income to help with our expenses and having extra money for myself, it worked out perfectly. It was only when our (now) middle child was going to go to school all day that I even considered taking my business more full-time.

When I decided in 2012 to really start to grow my business I knew it was going to take a lot of work, I had made some friends in the wedding industry but I had never really made an effort to build any connections. In that first year I opened my first studio, basically a little room in a space with other wedding vendors, I created my makeup line and I went from booking just 6 weddings to 31 weddings a year. "Hustle" became my way of life... when you're booking 50 weddings a year, studio appointments, makeup lessons, classes, photo shoots, and all the other amazing opportunities that come with being a successful business owner you don't know any other way but to hustle all day, every day and if you're not careful your passionate side hustle can turn into J.O.B. real quick!

I know plenty of well-respected makeup artists that have day jobs, work as bartenders or stay home with their kiddos and do makeup on the weekends. You really have to assess what will work best for you but know that anytime you go full-time with any creative passion it can start to feel like a job really quick. Prioritize what is most important to you and base your business off of that. If you're stressed out all the time about making more money, that will show up in your business people can feel desperation, and it will be a turn off your chance of booking more clients.

Overall, working as a freelance makeup artist is a great way to earn money and do something you're passionate about! Let me know in the comments if this is something you've been thinking about!








How to Be More Confident



Do you wish you were more confident? Listen up, confidence is not a prerequisite to a successful business!

Here are some tips to remember when you're not feeling confident...

  1. Start before you're ready

  2. It's okay to be uncomfortable

  3. Taking risks helps you grow

  4. Learn to course adjust

  5. Listen to your inner voice

To become more confident you must act confident, you must act the way you want to feel! Yes it will feel scary, yes you will want to quit but each time you do something big, you're becoming the greatest version of yourself. Doing things outside your comfort zone is scary as hell but that's where the magic is.

I know I was terrified the first time I made a video with tips for building your business...

"Who am I to give business advice?"

"Who would want to listen to me? I sound like a complete moron on video."

But I felt deep in my soul that I had something to share and that I had a bigger purpose to fill. There are absolutely times that I want to pack it up and quit but I also know that I don't want to spend every day knowing that I'm not living up to my truest potential.

Recognize your excuses as just that, excuses to hold yourself back...

"I don't feel confident."

"I don't know what steps to take."

"I don't have the money to take the class/buy the course/get help."

"There are already so many people doing it."

But they are not YOU, they do not have your story, your voice, or your message. Our brains work amazingly well trying to keep us safe so much that it will use any excuse to protect us from getting hurt, being scared, or failing. Recognize that the fear is just trying to protect you, thank it and move on.

Right now there is someone who is doing exactly what you want to do, living her best life and you could have the exact same reality if you were willing to get just a little uncomfortable and go for it. You were born here on this Earth to do amazing things so be brave and step into your greatness!







10 Steps to Start Your Makeup Artistry Business

Start Your Makeup Artistry Business


Have you always dreamed of becoming a freelance makeup artist? With a career in makeup artistry you can create your own schedule, set your own rates, and you can choose to keep it as a side hustle or go full-time. It's easier than ever to start a business, so if you've been dreaming of becoming a makeup artist, these steps will act as your roadmap to a successful business. Set a date in your calendar and decide when you want to have the steps completed, let me know in the comments, I would love to support you!

10 Steps to Start Your Makeup Artistry Business

1. Decide Your Long-term Goals

Knowing where you want to be 1, 5, or 10 years from now will help you determine what direction you should go in. Think about the long-term vision for your life, starting with the end in mind will make it clear on what you should focus on and what to say "No" to.

2. Invest in Your Education

Find out if your state requires a license to do makeup. Investing in your education is so important even if you are self-taught, taking a class or a course to learn skills and techniques will make you a better makeup artist.

3. Hire a Mentor or Coach

There are people who have put in the work and have taken years to build their successful businesses, learn their steps and learn from their mistakes, this will get you from point A to point B a lot faster than having to learn everything on your own.

4. Purchase Your Kit Essentials

Be clear on your Ideal Client and what direction you want to go in before purchasing your kit will help you avoid spending money on things that you may never use. Most likely you will never use a lime green eyeshadow if you’re a classic bridal makeup artist!

5. Use Your Network to Build Your Portfolio

Your friends and family are the best place to start when practicing your skills. Take before and after pictures in natural light or with a ring light. This will help you learn to take better pictures and to see where you can make improvements in your work.

6. Create Your Business Social Media Accounts

Start posting images of your work on your social media. Most likely your Ideal Clients will be on Instagram and Facebook so put your energy where they hang out the most and use hashtags that they would use so they can easily find you.

7. Build Your Website

Having an online presence is so important, it is tempting for new artists to skip this step because it can be time consuming and costly (for a custom website) but you’re playing the long game so investing in your business is vital to standing out in a crowded market. Your website acts like a hub for your clients to see your work, learn more about you, and know how to contact and book you.

8. Grow Your Referral Network

Do some research and find the top 10 people in your area that you would love to work with. Follow them on social media, comment on their posts, reach out to them and let them know you would love to connect and if they would keep you in mind for future projects or referrals.

9. Build Your Community

Use your social media to connect and build relationships with your followers. This will help grow your community and make it easier for your followers to refer you to their networks if they know, like, and trust you.

10. Collect Reviews & Client Testimonials

The best way to be considered as an authority in your industry is to have reviews and testimonials of your work and your character. Use Google, Yelp, WeddingWire, The Knot (if you’re focusing on the bridal industry) and Facebook to help build your online reputation.

If you are skilled at your craft, determined to be successful and follow these 10 steps, it will not take years and years to build your business. You will see results so much faster and get your calendar booked!

Let me know in the comments, did you find this information helpful to starting your makeup artistry business?

Are you still feeling stuck? I offer 1:1 coaching sessions to help you start and grow your business to create profitable and long-term success! Contact me here for more information!

Would you like to keep in touch with me? Join my email list, click here!



Social Media Tips for Your Business

Using social media to market your business is a no-brainer! Here are some tips to help you create better content. If you are interested in joining my Inner Circle Coaching Group to receive monthly training videos go to Inner Circle.

If you want increase your visibility on search engines and social media consider adding video to your marketing plan.






25 Ways to Make Money as a Makeup Artist

make money makeup artist

No matter where you live, no matter what your circumstances, there are opportunities for you to have a career as a makeup artist. Even if you don’t make a lot of money in the beginning on some of these ideas it’s about getting out there, being seen for your talent, passing out business cards and making connections.

If you have a dream of becoming a makeup artist and doing it the old-fashioned way by hitting the streets with your makeup kit in tow (not by YouTube tutorial videos), this list will hopefully get the idea gears going so you can see the limitless possibilities.  Figure out what success looks like for you, find someone you can look up to and strive to be the best at what you do. Even if you’re just doing it on the weekends while you keep your day job, start where you are, everyone has to start somewhere!

First check with state regulations as some states may require you to have a license.

25 Ways to Make Money as a Makeup Artist:

  1. Wedding Makeup
  2. Engagement Photography Sessions
  3. Family Sessions
  4. Boudoir Sessions
  5. Makeup Lessons
  6. Real Estate Group Lesson
  7. Girls Night Out
  8. Prom and Jr. Prom
  9. Special Events (Charity Events, Balls)
  10. Group Lesson for Business Women Networking Groups
  11. Teen Makeup Lesson
  12. Commercial Work
  13. Television News Channel
  14. Production Work for Television and Videos
  15. Freelance at a Makeup Counter
  16. Start a Makeup Line or sell Multi-Level Marketing cosmetics
  17. Work at a Hair Salon
  18. Work at a Day Spa
  19. Teach Makeup at Esthetician or Cosmetology School
  20. Build a Team of Artists
  21. Sell Services/Makeup at Events and Shows
  22. Teach other Makeup Artists
  23. Hold a Master Class
  24. Makeup for Print Editorials
  25. Head Shot Photography Sessions

I hope this helps get you thinking outside the usual ways to make money as a makeup artist and helps you to see the immense number of opportunities we have in our communities!



(This post was originally posted on my Makeup by Kim Porter website on December 19, 2017.)

Tips for Your Bridal Beauty Business


In this video I teach you how to turn your bridal clients into lifelong, repeat clients and reoccurring revenue for your business. Most makeup artists focus all of their energy on marketing and advertising to get bridal clients, constantly having to get new clients in the door... or on their website. In the marketing world we call this "one-off" clients because you work with them once and then you have to go find more.

What if you could turn your bridal client into a lifelong client? Think of all the ways you can serve your bridal clients!

Engagement Session

Bridal Trial

Bridal Portrait

Wedding Day

Maternity/New Pet Session

Family Pictures

Makeup Lesson


If you do not have some sort of products or retail line to sell to your clients you are leaving money on the table. Bonus points if you do spray tanning, facials, or brow microblading! I want you to think about the bigger picture, turn those bridal clients into raving fans and I promise, you will not only have them as reoccurring clients but also their friends and family.

If you have any questions about your bridal beauty business email me at info@kimportertv.com!











20 Tips to Becoming a Makeup Artist

Steps to Becoming Makeup Artist


One of the most asked questions I get is, "What are the steps to becoming a makeup artist?" and although I definitely have my steps that I teach my coaching students, these tips will work as a starting point to becoming a makeup artist! 

1. Know it’s not as glamorous as it looks

Just know that there will be long hours, long nights, hard work, and lugging around a heavy makeup kit.

2. Learn everything you possibly can

Do makeup on everyone you know, read books, watch videos….practice, practice, practice!

3. Find a mentor

And be willing to pay that mentor!  If you find someone who you respect and would love to work with, chances are there are others who feel the same way and when someone is running a business, they cannot possibly work as a free mentor to everyone.

4. Create a clear vision of where you want to go

Create your big picture even if it seems totally out of reach right now.

5. Use goal setting to create your steps

Once you have created your vision use goal setting to break it down into steps.  Each year when you accomplish a goal, set a bigger goal, and each goal accomplished will get you closer to your vision.

6. Learn to take risks

You can’t do anything great by staying in your comfort zone.  You have to learn to face your fear and know that it’s going to be okay.

7. Buy the best you can afford

You will not attract high end clients with cheap makeup and subpar work!  Yes everyone loves a great deal and there are great drugstore products, but if you skimp on your education and on your kit, you are skimping on your clients.

8. Put your money where it counts

It’s imperative that you define your brand.  Have a logo designed, build a website that is exactly “you”, and build your brand so that you will attract the clients that are perfect for you.

9. If your clients can’t find you they can’t hire you

Learn SEO and how to use social media to build your brand.

10. Find your niche

It is so important to learn who your client is and why they buy from you.  Once you find your niche client, tailor every decision you make with that client in mind.

11. Know your worth

No one starts out getting top dollar but don’t undercut yourself and your industry, it hurts everyone.  If you aren’t sure what to charge, it’s better to ask than to take an uneducated guess.

12. Build your community

Find other makeup artists in your area and form relationships with vendors.  Also, look outside of your area for others doing the same thing you are, they are great resource to bounce ideas off of and get feedback from.

13. Know that there will be setbacks

You will hear the word “no” and things will not always work out the way you want.  At the beginning of my career I had interviews with Stila Cosmetics, with a spa, and with a salon and I didn’t get hired by any of them but it pushed me to keep going.  If I had gotten any of those jobs I probably wouldn’t be where I am today.

14. Build your portfolio

Take pictures of your work even if you don’t think it’s so great, you can use the images as a tool to critique your work and improve it.  In the beginning do “for trade” work and collaborate with other vendors on styled photo shoots.

15. Own up to your mistakes

Stay humble, know that you aren’t going to know everything all the time, and be willing to take constructive criticism.

16. Stay true to your personal style

Don’t be swayed by the latest trends.  Find your style, define it, and perfect it.

17. Give 100% all the time

Be on time, put your clients first, leave your drama at the door, and always put your best face forward.  Your clients don’t care if you are having a bad day they have paid for a service and you are there to deliver it.

18. Know your role

Do not walk all over somebody else to get to the front of the line, karma is a bitch.  Get into the industry for the right reasons, if your main goal is fame and fortune, you are in for a rude wakeup call.  You must be there to serve your clients, your industry, and always remember your character is everything.

19. Be willing to change

Listen to your clients.  After doing traditional makeup for 12 years I was listening to the needs (more like demands!!) of my clients when I decided to learn how to airbrush foundation.  When the tides are changing, if you aren’t willing to listen and change when needed, you will get left behind.

20. Define your own level of success

Everyone’s ultimate vision is different and you have to define what is best for you.  I personally hate to travel without my family so I’m not going to be jet setting across the world for work, but for someone else traveling and seeing the world is a perfect life for them.  From the very beginning, design your life to be what is best for you and always keep your ultimate vision in the forefront of your mind.


To be successful in anything you have to have determination, perseverance, and an intense passion.  You have to believe that you have something to offer that is different than anybody else.  Know that nobody owes you anything and you have to be willing to work for it.  Go the extra mile and do what others aren’t willing or don’t want to do. 

Success is just doors that lead from one opportunity to another.  Keep opening doors and you'll be surprised where you end up!



If you are interested in learning more about coaching please go to: https://www.kimportertv.com/workwithme/

(This article was originally posted on my makeup website, Makeup by Kim Porter, on February 19, 2016.)

Instagram for Makeup Artists

Tips for using Instagram for your business:

1. Make it easy for your ideal client to find your Instagram using your website

2. Know who you are posting for and keep your Ideal Client in mind when posting on Instagram

3. Be consistent posting 1 or 2 times per day

4. Use attractive images with good lighting and a clean background

If you would like to know more about using social media for your business, join us in my Inner Circle Coaching Group

