law of attraction

The Kim Porter Show Podcast!

business life coach virginia beach

I am so excited to share a passion project with you, my podcast, The Kim Porter Show is currently on iTunes, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.

I'm getting deep, law of attraction and maybe a little woo woo but this will definitely help you get the life and business you really want!

I would love to know what you think, leave a comment here or come over to my Kim Porter Facebook page!



How to Manifest Anything You Want

How to Manifest Anything You Want

Most people live in a state of wanting what they want but being too terrified to go out and get it. Getting what you want requires doing things that feel uncomfortable by stepping outside your comfort zone and taking a leap of faith. The steps aren't difficult but they take focus and persistence.

The steps to getting anything you want in life are to:

1. Decide

You must first decide what you want, to be totally clear and to make the decision, nothing will happen if you don't commit to this first step.

2. Clear any blocks or fears

Once you make the decision you must clear any negative thoughts or feelings from blocking you. Write down your fears and the absolute worst things that would happen if things didn't work out. Mindfully address each fear and thank your fears for trying to protect you but that you are ready for the next step, like this... "Thank you fear of embarrassing myself in a video but I am going to be okay and I'm ready to take the next step."

3. Believe that it's possible

You must believe that it's possible to get what you want. If you decide that you want a Ferrari to appear in the next hour but you don't believe that it's possible, it'll never work out.

4. Take inspired action

Write down everything that needs to happen to get you what you want and all the ways to get you there. Figure out what the easiest thing is to do right now and start there. Everyday wake up feeling the excitement of getting closer to getting what you want and take the necessary action to get you there.

5. Stay positive

Fill you mind with positive thoughts, post pictures around you that will inspire you and will keep you focused. When negative thoughts creep in acknowledge them, thank them for showing up and send them on their way. Negative thoughts are just the way your mind tries to keep you safe and secure in your current space. If you feel that it's a reoccurring thought that is actually a block for you, try sitting down and exploring the thought. Ask yourself, "Is it true, is it helpful?" and if it's not then you have just faced a block head on and it will lose its power over you.

Rinse and repeat.

Download my workbook to help you manifest anything you want: Personal Power Workbook

If you have any questions or comments I would love to hear from you!

