business coaching

How to Build a Legacy Business

How to Build a Legacy Business

In a world of people clamoring for more likes and followers, how can you build a legacy business? One that stands the test of time and makes a positive impact on the world. A legacy business is one that makes an impact either locally, nationally, or on a global level.

Start with the end in mind… and no I don’t mean your exit strategy on your business plan. I mean, what do you want people to say about you when you’re no longer here?

Marketing Tips for Women Who Hate Marketing

Marketing Tips for Women Who Hate Marketing

I meet and coach so many women who have something amazing to share with the world but they don’t do the work to put themselves out there. I wanted to give you some strategies to help you master your marketing, consider this your cheat sheet for those of you who hate marketing.

Marketing is not a bad word and you shouldn’t be afraid or resent social media either. Honestly, social media is not some necessary evil we must force ourselves to do…. social media is our friend! It’s how we can connect with the world, build our community, and share our work and mission with others.

How to Manifest Your Ideal Client (Partner or Employee)

How to Manifest Your Ideal Client (Partner or Employee)

First let’s talk about manifesting your ideal client. If you’ve taken any marketing classes almost everyone will tell you to create an Ideal Client Avatar. This is a detailed profile focusing on just one person outlining everything about them. You focus on specifics like where she lives, where she shops, what music she loves, if she’s married or has kids, and you give her a name. This way when you’re creating content you have this one ideal client in mind. I think we’ve been taught to go about this all wrong. I think we should be focusing less on the specifics and more of the feeling of the ideal client we want to work with.

How to Stay Motivated

Have you been feeling unmotivated?

Did you start something and then lost your motivation?

Are you sure your goals are even aligned with who you truly are?

I’m sharing my methods for staying motivated and how to get your motivation back!



Inspiring Women with Self-taught Illustrator

I loved having Jessi Bordi (who also happens to be my sister!) in my studio to talk about how she became a self-taught illustrator and how commitment and mindfulness have changed her life and business.

My favorite tweetable moment was when she said, “Be okay with sucking.”

You can follow Jessi on Instagram at @hazelandgraceillustrations.

Let us know if the comments what your takeaways were and if this inspired you to learn something new!



Featured on Enlightenedhood Podcast

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I’ve been featured on the Enlightenhood podcast talking about motherhood, mindfulness and staying sane while raising kids and running businesses. 

Go to iTunes to listen and let me know in the comments if you got any “Aha” moments from listening!



How to Find Your Purpose

life coach virginia beach

This age old question that has been asked since the beginning of time …how do I know what my purpose is?

So many people have no idea or worry they’re going to get it wrong, so instead of making the wrong choice, they don’t pursue any choices.

Your purpose is what you say it is, it’s what lights you up and makes you feel happy, that’s it!. No light comes down from the heavens to bestow upon you your purpose in life, you find it by trying different things.

Most people get tripped up because they think they have to make a job out of their purpose and although I’m a big fan of turning your purpose into profit, that’s not always the case. Sometimes your purpose is what gives your life meaning, fulfillment and fun. You’ll get more enjoyment from your life and share your joy with others…that doesn’t sound so bad, right?

So how do we know what our purpose is? Let’s explore by asking yourself these questions:

What do you love to do for hours without getting bored or tired?

What are you naturally good at, what comes easily to you?

What would you do for free?

What did you love to do as a child?

What do people often ask or come to you for?

One of the things that I love to do is reading but I wouldn’t want to make a job out of reading as that would take the fun out of it for me. Another purpose of mine is helping women connect to their purpose, now that is something I can make a business out of and makes my life more fulfilling!

Pay attention to when you feel the most joy and happiness. If you haven’t felt that way in a long time, ask yourself the questions to finding your purpose, they will not steer you wrong.

Let me know in the comments, do you know your purpose or are you in search of it?



My Interview with Lyndsey Johnson of GrowthVine

life coach virginia beach

I was recently interviewed by Lyndsey Johnson of GrowthVine for her women overcoming challenges series.

Lyndsey said, “Fantastic interview with Kim today where we talked about how to stop that speeding train when you want to pivot your business and get out of one that is misaligned!”

See the interview on Facebook!



How to Get Unstuck

life coach virginia beach

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? This happens to all of us at some point and it can feel so frustrating and like you have no idea how to get out of it.

I’m sharing my 3 tips to help you get out of feeling stuck, take some time to answer the questions, you may want to get out your journal or notebook.

1. Remember why you started

When you started on this journey however many years ago, what were you hoping to achieve?

What did you want your life to look like?

Who did you want to help and why?

Remembering why you started will take you back to the time that everything felt fresh and new, you felt excited about the journey ahead of you. Give yourself time to reflect on who you were at that time and what you envisioned your life and career would look like.

2. Write down all of your achievements

What are you proud of?

All of the things that you’re proud of write them down and as you’re writing them really feel each and every one of them, let yourself relive the experience. Often times we blow right past our achievements and only focus on the lack or negative aspects in our lives. Give yourself time to relish in the great things that have happened in your life and career.

3. Keep your focus on where you’re headed

What do you want to accomplish in the future?

How do you want to feel moving forward?

Who are you helping and how?

Many times when we feel stuck it’s because we’re in a transition period from one level to the next level. We look at our current circumstances and surroundings, we feel like things aren’t the way we want them to be or they aren’t moving as fast as we want them to, this can leave us feeling frustrated and sometimes even resentful. Keep your focus on where you’re headed while feeling gratitude for where you are currently, knowing that all that you want is on it’s way to you now.

Do you need more help getting unstuck? Let’s set up a discovery call! Go to my Contact page so we can set up your call.



Should you hire a life and business coach?

How many of you have told a friend or family member an idea or a vision you have and they snubbed it or made you second guess yourself?

Many times the people closest to us can only see the old version of us. If we are changing our lives and living up to our highest potential that could make some people uncomfortable so that they unconsciously want to pull us back down to where we use to be.

People who are not aligned with their highest purpose aren’t able to give you the support and guidance that you need to take your life to the next level.

If you’ve been feeling stuck, uninspired, ready to make a pivot or full on career change I can help. If you need help growing your business I can help with that too!

Go to my Contact page to send me an email!



What Got You Here Won't Get You There!

tips to uplevel your business

When I look back and think about the things that took my business from being just a side hustle to a full-time and successful business there are 3 things that I did that stick out the most and I believe made the most difference.

First, I was consistently posting and showing up in people’s social media feeds. When you do that they remember you the next time they need something and when you’re actually “being social” on social media people feel like they know you. This was pre-Instagram Stories and now we feel like we don’t just have to be consistent but constantly “on” so even though I haven’t fully embraced posting about every single thing I do throughout my day, I know being consistent and always showing up makes a huge difference. If a client comes to your Instagram or Facebook and sees it hasn’t been updated in 4 weeks they are going to wonder how consistent you are in your business. Think about the things you’re posting and try to keep in mind that they should be inspiring, entertaining or educational!

Second, I went to industry and networking events. I made it a priority to get to know others in my industry so they would feel like they know, liked and trusted me and would feel comfortable referring me to their clients. Building a strong referral network is one of the best ways to consistently get referrals for your business. Make it a point to get to know others, go for coffee and build relationships. A plus to this strategy is if you’re anything like me it can get pretty lonely working from home so getting out and meeting others is always a bonus!

Third, I positioned myself as an expert. Everyone in your industry is posting pretty pictures but when you take it a step further and write articles that answers your Ideal Client’s burning questions it helps to make you an authority in your industry. People will come to for answers and others will share you articles and videos to help educate their clients.

If you’re new in your business or you’ve been in business for awhile and you haven’t put much effort into being consistent, growing your network or positioning yourself as an expert, I encourage you to incorporate these three things and see how they can help you uplevel your business!

If you’re struggling with not knowing what to post, not feeling confident or how you could become an expert in your industry, I have different coaching options to help you. Go to Work with Me to find out more and if you have any questions go to my Contact page to send me a message!



How Do You Know When It's Time To Get Help?

None of us do this alone, if you’re trying to start and grow your business all by yourself you are doing it wrong!

Watch this video as I help you break down the steps from when you first start your business, when you’re ready to uplevel and when you surpass your peer group.

For more information about my Inner Circle Coaching Group go to



5 Reasons Why Your Business is Struggling

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1. You’re not charging enough

You invest your time, supplies and knowledge, education that you’ve paid for so that you can be amazing at what you do and you’re not being compensated the way that you should be. The biggest reason I hear why business owners aren’t charging enough is, “Well I didn’t know how much to charge so I just picked a number.”

Do yourself and your industry a favor and ask someone, email or message a few people local to you or look on their website. Figure out what feels comfortable to you but don’t go low just because you’re new, base it on your experience, skill level and what feels right to you.

2. You’re not taking it seriously

You’re leaving emails and phone calls unanswered, maybe you’re not showing up and putting in 100%, you’re slacking on your social media and not generating new business or you’re spending money that should be going back into your business. Remember that the first year or two you may not be making a paycheck because everything you make should be going back into growing your business - your supplies, your audience and your education. If you spend everything you make you’re not going to be investing and growing your business.

3. You need help you’re trying to do everything on your own

Maybe you need help with coaching, you need to hire someone that can help you see the big picture and gain the clarity and confidence you need to grow a successful business. Maybe you need help IN your business, you need to hire a team, an assistant or even a virtual assistant. None of us do this on our own we need others to help lift us up so recognize when you need help and get it.

4. You’re not setting boundaries

You’re saying “Yes” to too many things or the wrong things. You’re not thinking, “Does this align with me and my long-term vision for my business?” Maybe you’re letting your clients walk all over you or you aren’t taking the time off to take care of yourself. You’re not attracting the right kind of clients or you don’t have tight agreements and contracts, you feel like you’re being taken advantage of and you’re starting to feel resentful.

You wanted to start your own business so that you could design a life that you love, you need to be in control of the projects and clients that you take on and work with. You need to be in control over how often you work and set clear boundaries so your clients know how to work with you.

5. You are sabotaging yourself

You’re procrastinating on projects, you’re promising things and not following through, you get a little success and you start to take your foot off the gas halting your momentum. A lot of business owners deal with their own kind of sabotage like letting self-doubt derail them. Maybe you’re not getting the support from your friends and family and you’re letting that stop you. It’s our job to recognize our own self-sabotage and not let it defeat us because it will rear its ugly head anytime we start to make progress or moving up to the next step.

I would love to hear from you. If you’re struggling in your business, did these help you?

Comment below!



Makeup Artist Business Q & A

Anytime I receive an email question that I think my answer would help others, I like to share it. This makeup artist wanted to know if I could help her build her clientele and make more money in her business.

My answers might surprise you and it’s simple things that could help you too!

If you have a question about your business, email me at!



The Kim Porter Show Podcast!

business life coach virginia beach

I am so excited to share a passion project with you, my podcast, The Kim Porter Show is currently on iTunes, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.

I'm getting deep, law of attraction and maybe a little woo woo but this will definitely help you get the life and business you really want!

I would love to know what you think, leave a comment here or come over to my Kim Porter Facebook page!

