transformational coaching

Are you ready to go pro in your life and business?

This is the year to finally turn pro! I’m going to share what it takes to go pro and tips from “Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work” by Steven Pressfield.

Steven is also the author of “The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles” which I highly recommend.

In his book “Turning Pro” he explains the difference between an amateur and a professional, this can be for anything in your life or business.

An amateur is living as their shadow self or persona, in their comfort zone, predictable, using excuses, procrastination, and self-sabotage to not go after their dreams.

A pro is their true authentic self, stepping into their own power, moving past fear and resistance, and living the life they want and not settling for less.

Are You on Your Own Hero's Journey?

The Hero’s Journey is defined by Wikipedia as a narrative that “involves a hero who goes on an adventure and in a decisive crisis wins a victory and then comes home changed or transformed.” Stories like this have been around forever, there are struggles and challenges but ultimately the hero or SHEro is able to overcome them and returns home as a new way of being, a new person.

This can also happen to us as we go through our own transformation, we feel a stirring in our heart to follow a different path, we feel like we are being guided in a different direction. We come to a crossroads - do we answer the call or continue living the same way?

My story of my own transformation is similar, I was coming off of the biggest year in my business I had accomplished everything I had wanted, every box had a check mark but I didn’t feel happy. Instead I felt burnt out and disillusioned, I started to ask, “Is this all there is just striving for successes?” Feeling happy for a moment when I hit a goal but then going right back down and never feeling fully joyful, happy and excited about my life.

I started to ask, “What is my purpose? What am I really here for?”

At first I didn’t answer the calling I tried to stuff it down, tuck it away but the calling kept getting louder. I can tell you from my own experience I felt lost, confused, frustrated, alone and sometimes even scared because I didn’t understand what was happening to me. Now I know these feelings are totally normal and we don’t have to go through this alone.

It’s much like the caterpillar who comes out as a butterfly, our one true purpose in life is to answer our soul’s calling, if we don’t listen we start to feel stuck, depressed, anxious and even disease can set in because we try to stuff all of our feelings into our bodies.

So the hero goes on this journey and goes through the trials and tribulations but in the process discovers his own personal power and his life is changed forever, he goes back to his life as a different person.

Are you on a hero’s journey?

Do you feel the calling of your soul to follow a different direction?

If you’re feeling like a lost caterpillar right now, it’s okay you’re not alone and you are not crazy, you could just be on your own transformational journey.

If you think you are, I would love to hear where you are in your journey and what you feel like the next step is for you, comment below or send me a message on my contact page!



How to Find Your Purpose

life coach virginia beach

This age old question that has been asked since the beginning of time …how do I know what my purpose is?

So many people have no idea or worry they’re going to get it wrong, so instead of making the wrong choice, they don’t pursue any choices.

Your purpose is what you say it is, it’s what lights you up and makes you feel happy, that’s it!. No light comes down from the heavens to bestow upon you your purpose in life, you find it by trying different things.

Most people get tripped up because they think they have to make a job out of their purpose and although I’m a big fan of turning your purpose into profit, that’s not always the case. Sometimes your purpose is what gives your life meaning, fulfillment and fun. You’ll get more enjoyment from your life and share your joy with others…that doesn’t sound so bad, right?

So how do we know what our purpose is? Let’s explore by asking yourself these questions:

What do you love to do for hours without getting bored or tired?

What are you naturally good at, what comes easily to you?

What would you do for free?

What did you love to do as a child?

What do people often ask or come to you for?

One of the things that I love to do is reading but I wouldn’t want to make a job out of reading as that would take the fun out of it for me. Another purpose of mine is helping women connect to their purpose, now that is something I can make a business out of and makes my life more fulfilling!

Pay attention to when you feel the most joy and happiness. If you haven’t felt that way in a long time, ask yourself the questions to finding your purpose, they will not steer you wrong.

Let me know in the comments, do you know your purpose or are you in search of it?



My Interview with Lyndsey Johnson of GrowthVine

life coach virginia beach

I was recently interviewed by Lyndsey Johnson of GrowthVine for her women overcoming challenges series.

Lyndsey said, “Fantastic interview with Kim today where we talked about how to stop that speeding train when you want to pivot your business and get out of one that is misaligned!”

See the interview on Facebook!



Happiness Is Possible

life coach virginia beach

Let me know if this resonates with you, you set all of these goals for your relationships, weight loss, career and you tell yourself, “I’ll be happy when…(fill in the blank).”

For me it was…

I’ll be happy when I get married.

I’ll be happy when we have kids.

I’ll be happy when we buy a new house.

I’ll be happy when I have a successful business.

I thought if I worked hard enough and accomplished all of my goals I would finally deserve to feel happy. How f*cked up is that?!

Each time I’d hit a milestone I felt a sense of happiness but I just kept moving the goal post further back, withholding my happiness in the process. That was until I cracked, I hit burnout and I couldn’t keep going. I felt defeated, disillusioned (umm when am I actually suppose to feel happy damnit?!) and seriously feeling like I was lacking purpose in my life.

If I wasn’t going hard on my goals I didn’t know how to be anything but hustling and striving. When I started deep diving into personal development is when I realized that I had been doing it all wrong, withholding our happiness makes for a sad life.

Who we’re being is more important than what we’re doing.

So how can we feel happy now? Grace and gratitude are our secret weapons!

  • Every night before bed write down in your journal all of the things you're grateful for.

  • Write down a list of 25 things that make you happy (music, dancing, walking in nature, etc.) and try to do as many as possible each day.

  • Keep a journal of all of your good and bad feelings throughout the day and try to catch negative thoughts before they cause you to spiral by focusing on how you want to feel.

  • Stay focused on your vision while checking in with yourself and being present as much as possible.

Life is a journey that’s meant to be enjoyed so make feeling good your #1 priority and watch your life change!

Download my Personal Power Workbook to help you discover your vision and help you set goals with soul.

Have you dealt with withholding your happiness? Let me know in the comments!

Are you ready to join a community of like-minded women just like you? Come join my Inner Circle Facebook group.



How to Get Unstuck

life coach virginia beach

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? This happens to all of us at some point and it can feel so frustrating and like you have no idea how to get out of it.

I’m sharing my 3 tips to help you get out of feeling stuck, take some time to answer the questions, you may want to get out your journal or notebook.

1. Remember why you started

When you started on this journey however many years ago, what were you hoping to achieve?

What did you want your life to look like?

Who did you want to help and why?

Remembering why you started will take you back to the time that everything felt fresh and new, you felt excited about the journey ahead of you. Give yourself time to reflect on who you were at that time and what you envisioned your life and career would look like.

2. Write down all of your achievements

What are you proud of?

All of the things that you’re proud of write them down and as you’re writing them really feel each and every one of them, let yourself relive the experience. Often times we blow right past our achievements and only focus on the lack or negative aspects in our lives. Give yourself time to relish in the great things that have happened in your life and career.

3. Keep your focus on where you’re headed

What do you want to accomplish in the future?

How do you want to feel moving forward?

Who are you helping and how?

Many times when we feel stuck it’s because we’re in a transition period from one level to the next level. We look at our current circumstances and surroundings, we feel like things aren’t the way we want them to be or they aren’t moving as fast as we want them to, this can leave us feeling frustrated and sometimes even resentful. Keep your focus on where you’re headed while feeling gratitude for where you are currently, knowing that all that you want is on it’s way to you now.

Do you need more help getting unstuck? Let’s set up a discovery call! Go to my Contact page so we can set up your call.



What to do if your soul feels bankrupt

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If your soul has been feeling bankrupt, first of all know that you’re not alone and there are ways to fill ourselves back up that doesn’t take a trip around the world or escaping to a cabin alone in the woods. We have to start thinking of ourselves and our happiness first.

The definition of alignment is “the act of feeling good” and when we realize that our one purpose in life is to feel as good as possible and that’s it, life becomes easier and the world becomes brighter.

You’re giving from an empty cup

If you’re trying to be everything to everybody you’re not putting yourself first. We’re taught from a young age as women to put others before ourselves but when we do that we’re ignoring our own needs. Self-care should be a #1 priority on our list and each person is different one may love some quiet time to read, another may love a long hot bath, another going for a hike and being in nature. Find what makes you happy and do more of that!

You’re working for a paycheck

When we’re working for a paycheck it’s never going to be enough because there isn’t enough money in the world to fill up our empty souls.

I get it we all need to make money to live but if your job doesn’t fill your soul, find something that does and do that thing on the weekends or whenever you have free time. We fill our schedules up so full with our lives and our kids we barely give ourselves time to do what we really love doing, that thing that sets our soul on fire and feels like magic. That’s life giving energy and it’s powerful, don’t ignore it.

You’re ignoring the whispers

You feel it… the discomfort, the feeling of being lost and disconnected. When was the last time you asked yourself what you really wanted?

Oprah says, "I say the universe speaks to us, always, first in whispers. And a whisper in your life usually feels like 'hmm, that's odd.' Or, 'hmm, that doesn't make any sense.' Or, 'hmm, is that right?' It's that subtle. And if you don't pay attention to the whisper, it gets louder and louder and louder. I say it's like getting thumped upside the head. If you don't pay attention to that, it's like getting a brick upside your head. You don't pay attention to that—the brick wall falls down. That is the pattern that I see in my life and so many other people's lives. And so, I ask people, 'What are the whispers? What's whispering to you now?'"

You’re dying for connection

When we’re trying to do this all on our own we don’t share our pain and we don’t dare tell anyone because we must look like we have it all together, all the time. How would our perfect Facebook and Instagram lives look if we told people how we’re really feeling?

Talk to people who will lift you up, not judge you or make you feel bad. One of the biggest misconceptions is that if I admit that I’m not happy then it must be my husband or partner or something specific but that’s not always the case. The stories I hear most are from women who have so much happiness and joy in their lives but they can’t feel it, they feel so disconnected from themselves.

Another option is to hire someone who can help you find your clarity, to remember who you are and can help you to create a path to your happiness and feeling fulfilled. If you think we might be a good fit reach out, you can go to my Contact page to send me a direct message.

I would love to hear from you, leave me a comment below if this resonated with you!

