business coach

Why Building a Personal Brand Matters

Do you dream of writing a book, public speaking, or being a leader in your community or industry? Then you need to build a personal brand. Establishing a personal brand can also help you in your business or career by helping you stand out from the crowd and can help if you plan to pivot in your career.

Personally for me, I come from the beauty industry and for many years most people only knew me as a professional makeup artist. When I decided that I wanted to pivot into the coaching industry I knew that I needed to pivot my personal brand. That took planning and time but it worked out and I was able to build my coaching business.

In business your branding is your logo and what colors you use, but your personal brand is who you are, what you stand for, and the impact you want to make in the world. We have to be conscious of how people perceive us and that is a big part of what personal brand mapping is. We work on creating your legacy and reverse engineer that to help you create your vision and goals so you know exactly what to do each step of the way.

If you’re interested in building your personal brand for your business or career, let’s set up a virtual 1:1 class! To book your your class go here to send me a message to get started!



Marketing Tips for Women Who Hate Marketing

Marketing Tips for Women Who Hate Marketing

I meet and coach so many women who have something amazing to share with the world but they don’t do the work to put themselves out there. I wanted to give you some strategies to help you master your marketing, consider this your cheat sheet for those of you who hate marketing.

Marketing is not a bad word and you shouldn’t be afraid or resent social media either. Honestly, social media is not some necessary evil we must force ourselves to do…. social media is our friend! It’s how we can connect with the world, build our community, and share our work and mission with others.

Grow Your Business with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of best platforms to be on to grow your business, build your community, and collaborate with other like-minded people like you!

Watch Kellie and I on the replay talking about how we connected on LinkedIn and how we’ve grown our coaching and consulting businesses because of it.

Got a question about using LinkedIn? Post it in the comments below!

For the link to get your freebie guide go here.

For more information about Kellie go here.



How to Build a Personal Brand

Blog How to Build Personal Brand

Let’s first talk about what a personal brand is not… it’s not your logo, your font or your branding colors.

Building a personal brand is the act of marketing yourself, your experiences, your personality, your interests, and your unique knowledge and skills.

Building a personal brand allows you to pivot in your career, connect with people on a deeper level, stand out and build the know, like, and trust factor. When you build a personal brand, you make yourself economy proof by becoming the “go to expert” and solving a big enough problem.

Ask yourself…

What makes me unique?

What am I skilled and knowledgeable on?

What problems can I help solve?

What do people naturally come to me for?

What do I want to be known for?

A favorite personal brand example of mine is Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, you know those amazing things that we wear under our clothes to make us look slimmer? Yeah like one of the best inventions ever! She has built a personal brand empowering women on her Instagram and speaking at conferences, she’s stepped out behind her incredibly successful business to build a brand as a thought leader.

As a makeup artist in the beauty industry for so many years, the questions I was always asked were, “What do you love most about doing makeup? What are your favorite products? What are your top tips for a 5 minute makeup routine?” It use to drive me crazy because I’m thinking there’s way more than just makeup tips in this brain of mine!

It wasn’t until I started to build a personal brand outside of my makeup artistry business that people became more interested in me. I started sharing my stories, my personal experiences of transformation, I shared my strategies and methodology for business and personal success. People started to see me, not just my craft, by building a personal brand I was able to pivot in my career and establish myself as a transformational life and business coach.

5 Steps to Building a Personal Brand

1. Craft Your Story

Sharing you story will connect you with others who need to hear what you have to say. If you tell your story in a compelling way and have others say, “Omgosh me too!” you connect with them on a deeper level.

2. Get Social

You want to start building your community and focus on serving not selling. Respond to comments on social media, don’t be afraid to take the conversation into your direct messages, consistently post valuable and useful content.

3. Know Who You’re Talking To

It helps to know your target market and specifically who your ideal client is so you can craft your message. Once you know your ideal client you can start talking directly to her and building a relationship.

4. Solve a Problem

Find out what your ideal client struggles with and then solve her problem, become the “go to” person in your industry… this does not mean be the only expert but become a contributor.

5. Make it Personal

Share who you really are, pull back the curtain on your life and share what makes you unique because the things that makes you different are your greatest assets.

Building a personal brand is about finding your voice, sharing your story, and building your community! If you have a desire to become a thought leader in your industry, building a personal brand is imperative. Even if you don’t but you want to stand out, building a personal brand will set you apart from the rest.

Would you rather watch than read? Check out the video below about building a personal brand!

I would love to hear from you, let me know in the comments if you’re building a personal brand for your business or career! If you’re ready to set up a free introductory coaching call go here.



Inspiring Women with Self-taught Illustrator

I loved having Jessi Bordi (who also happens to be my sister!) in my studio to talk about how she became a self-taught illustrator and how commitment and mindfulness have changed her life and business.

My favorite tweetable moment was when she said, “Be okay with sucking.”

You can follow Jessi on Instagram at @hazelandgraceillustrations.

Let us know if the comments what your takeaways were and if this inspired you to learn something new!



My Interview with Yvonne DiVita of Nurturing Big Ideas

Thank you to Yvonne DiVita of Nurturing Big Ideas for having me on as a guest for her show, “Conversations with Smart Women”.

We had a great conversation about stepping into the next level version of yourself and how clarity leads to abundance and success.

If you would like to learn more about my coaching services please go to my Contact page.

To learn more about Yvonne and her services please go to her website.



My Coaching Space

life coach office space
life coaching office space

* Since this posting I have closed my physical location to focus on growing my online coaching business. October 6, 2019

Who says coaching spaces have to be plain and nature sounds playing in the background?!

I’m not your typical life coach and neither is my space. My space is beautiful, bright and inviting and is the perfect space for us to meet for consultations and in person coaching sessions!

My coaching style is a little bit different, I work as a transformational coach which is different than traditional therapy and goes deeper than typical life coaching.

Traditional therapy works with past trauma, diagnosing and treating mental illnesses.

Life coaching works with defining goals and creating a plan of action to help you get there.

Transformational coaching helps you define what you want and uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. I believe this is the way to see results faster and with more lasting results than if we just worked with your goals alone.

In order to get to the next level version of ourselves we have to understand what’s holding us back. Is it procrastination, lack of confidence, a past money story? In business and career, are you afraid of showing up and being seen? Do you not feel worthy and valuable?

In my coaching sessions I’ve been able to help women get unstuck, re-ignite their passion, and feel more confident. I give you the tools to continue your growth long after our coaching sessions are finished because our growth and expansion never ends.

Have you ever heard of the saying, “new level, new devil”? It’s true, to become the most successful and happy version of ourselves we have to know that the “devil” is our own mind. It can work against us and hold us back from everything we desire if we don’t know how to take control of it and make it work for us.

It is my passion and mission to help women become the best version of themselves. If you would like to book a consultation with me over the phone or in person go to my Contact page!



How to Find Your Purpose

life coach virginia beach

This age old question that has been asked since the beginning of time …how do I know what my purpose is?

So many people have no idea or worry they’re going to get it wrong, so instead of making the wrong choice, they don’t pursue any choices.

Your purpose is what you say it is, it’s what lights you up and makes you feel happy, that’s it!. No light comes down from the heavens to bestow upon you your purpose in life, you find it by trying different things.

Most people get tripped up because they think they have to make a job out of their purpose and although I’m a big fan of turning your purpose into profit, that’s not always the case. Sometimes your purpose is what gives your life meaning, fulfillment and fun. You’ll get more enjoyment from your life and share your joy with others…that doesn’t sound so bad, right?

So how do we know what our purpose is? Let’s explore by asking yourself these questions:

What do you love to do for hours without getting bored or tired?

What are you naturally good at, what comes easily to you?

What would you do for free?

What did you love to do as a child?

What do people often ask or come to you for?

One of the things that I love to do is reading but I wouldn’t want to make a job out of reading as that would take the fun out of it for me. Another purpose of mine is helping women connect to their purpose, now that is something I can make a business out of and makes my life more fulfilling!

Pay attention to when you feel the most joy and happiness. If you haven’t felt that way in a long time, ask yourself the questions to finding your purpose, they will not steer you wrong.

Let me know in the comments, do you know your purpose or are you in search of it?



4 Ways to Grow Your Service-Based Business {Fast}

business coach virginia beach

Are you building a service-based business? It doesn’t matter if you’re a real estate agent, a refrigerator repairman (or woman) or a therapist, these tips will help you to grow your business fast.

1. Mindset above all else

Are you focused on your own growth and expansion or are you too busy checking out your competition? Do you know where you’re headed and what the future looks like for you and your business?

Business and marketing plans are great but you really need to know how you want to feel in your business not just in the beginning but 10 years from now. A great book to read in the beginning is “The E-Myth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber.

When you’re getting your business off the ground it can feel daunting and overwhelming, focus on one step at a time and always show up as the next level version of you. Even if in the beginning you’re making no money, show up as the person that you want to be.

What does your business look like 1, 5 and 10 years from now? I can tell you I see so many new business owners burn out in the first few years because they’re saying “Yes” to everything, they take every job they can and then they get so busy working in their business that they can’t work on their business. Give yourself time to be innovative and creative.

2. Start with your network

In the beginning let people know what you’re up to, reach out and offer to help in exchange for feedback or testimonials. Turn people into loyal, raving fans and you’ll have an army of cheerleaders standing behind you rooting you on and referring you to everyone they know!

You want to become their “go to” resource, you want to become their favorite! It’s more than just building your network it’s about building your community. We all want to feel like we’re a part of something bigger than ourselves, if you can create a community, you will secure the long-term success of your business.

I go to this cute little sandwich shop down the road from my house, every time I walk in the owner greets me as if I’m her best friend, the people who have lunch there stop to chat with her, she’s created a loyal community.

great service + community = life long customers

3. Visibility is your priority

People are busy and easily distracted, they forget so you have to be constantly showing up to remind them. I feel like this is an area a lot of new business owners struggle with, especially women who’re afraid of putting themselves out there and being seen.

Can I find you on a Google search?

Are you showing up on social media?

Are you using hashtags to target your market?

Are you showing up on video?

Are you sharing resources that will help your clients?

4. Do you stand out among your competition?

Every industry is saturated and with people being inundated with information at all times, how do you stand out? By positioning yourself as the expert and becoming their “go to” person you make the competition irrelevant and you do this by building a personal brand. If you plan on selling your business at some point this may not work for you but if this is YOUR business with your name and your reputation, then building a personal brand is imperative.

People want to buy from someone they know, like and trust.

Your personal brand is your story, your message and your mission along with your unique gifts and personality. It’s what makes you different and it’s what will help you to stand out from everyone else.

If you need help growing your service-based business go to my Contact page and let’s see if we would be a good fit for each other!



How to Get Unstuck

life coach virginia beach

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? This happens to all of us at some point and it can feel so frustrating and like you have no idea how to get out of it.

I’m sharing my 3 tips to help you get out of feeling stuck, take some time to answer the questions, you may want to get out your journal or notebook.

1. Remember why you started

When you started on this journey however many years ago, what were you hoping to achieve?

What did you want your life to look like?

Who did you want to help and why?

Remembering why you started will take you back to the time that everything felt fresh and new, you felt excited about the journey ahead of you. Give yourself time to reflect on who you were at that time and what you envisioned your life and career would look like.

2. Write down all of your achievements

What are you proud of?

All of the things that you’re proud of write them down and as you’re writing them really feel each and every one of them, let yourself relive the experience. Often times we blow right past our achievements and only focus on the lack or negative aspects in our lives. Give yourself time to relish in the great things that have happened in your life and career.

3. Keep your focus on where you’re headed

What do you want to accomplish in the future?

How do you want to feel moving forward?

Who are you helping and how?

Many times when we feel stuck it’s because we’re in a transition period from one level to the next level. We look at our current circumstances and surroundings, we feel like things aren’t the way we want them to be or they aren’t moving as fast as we want them to, this can leave us feeling frustrated and sometimes even resentful. Keep your focus on where you’re headed while feeling gratitude for where you are currently, knowing that all that you want is on it’s way to you now.

Do you need more help getting unstuck? Let’s set up a discovery call! Go to my Contact page so we can set up your call.



How to Start a Coaching Business

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Do you have a whisper in your heart to help others?

The more women I work with the more convinced I am that we are natural cheerleaders, we love building communities and seeing others succeed. I have met some amazing women with a natural gift for helping others but drown out their abilities with a lack of believing in themselves.

If you feel the whisper to do something more with your gifts and your story I want to help you, I am breaking down the steps to starting a coaching business and help you decide which route is best for you.

What is a coach?

A coach is someone who helps others achieve their goals, they help keep them accountable and give them tools and strategies to help them through each step of the way.

What kind of coach can you be?

I’ve broken them down into 5 main categories and as you can see each category can be broken down into sub-categories, there is no limit to what coaching can do.

Confidence Coach: Helps someone raise their self-confidence, feel more powerful and become more successful in their life.

Health/Wellness Coach: Helps someone with exercise, recipes, meal plans and living a healthier lifestyle.

Business Coach: Helps someone with the business and marketing strategies to grow their own business.

Life Coach: Helps someone with work and life relationships, time management and achieving life goals.

Spiritual Coach: Helps someone to have deeper relationship and more alignment with their source energy.

Executive Coach: Helps organizations or individuals increase their performance and achieve goals.

How to Start a Coaching Business

1. Get the education and certification you need

Most coaching does not require a certification and coaches can learn by their own personal life experience and by learning the fundamentals of coaching. Only a licensed therapist should work with someone who is depressed, suicidal or has gone through some major life trauma.

2. Share Your Story

By being vulnerable and sharing our own personal stories we can connect with others on a deeper level and build a strong know, like and trust factor.

3. Define Your Target Market

Who are you serving and what problem do they have that you want to help them solve?

4. Create an Ideal Client Avatar

Who specifically are you speaking to when writing your content and posting on social media? You should be so clear on this person that you can give them a name and you know everything about him/her.

5. Grow Your Social Media

Gone are the days of advertising in the Yellow Pages and mailing postcards, now we can reach endless amounts of people in our target market right on our phones or computers. Having a solid social media strategy will help you reach your ideal clients and help you build a strong relationship with them.

6. Build a Community

Feeling a connection is key, your ideal client needs to feel like they know and trust you so building a community either on social media or in a Facebook group is key to them feeling safe and opening up their wallets to you.

7. Position Yourself as the Expert

Coaching is a huge industry so how can you stand out from the crowd? By positioning yourself as an expert, sharing blog articles and social media posts that help educate and inspire others.

8. Build an Email List

Have direct contact with your target market via your email list, with social media algorithms constantly changing you never want to be without a way to get in front of your ideal clients at all times.

9. Make Yourself Visible

Create a marketing plan of how often you will show up and where is key to being consistent and seeing growth in your business. Are you focusing on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, ect.?

10. Define How You Solve Their Problem

Are you offering 1:1 coaching, a group program or a monthly membership group? Define what you offer that will help your Ideal Client solve their problem.

If you feel like it’s time for you to start your coaching business comment below or reach out on my Contact page and let me know what you’re struggling with right now!

Join my free Facebook group for women business owners!



Hampton Roads Networking Group for Women

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Aimee Beltran of Irresistible Icing and I had the best time hosting our first community and networking group for women in Hampton Roads. We wanted to help women to feel more confident, we talked about how to build a personal brand and why it’s important and gave tips on how to finally start using video for your business.

If you’re not in our area but would still like to connect with us you can go to our Facebook pages:

Kim Porter TV and Irresistible Icing

I would like to thank Anna Aragon for her gorgeous food and for her photography skills and our sponsor Jennifer Barnes with Young Living Essential Oils for her beautiful diffuser and oils that made the room smell amazing!



Body Image & Confidence with Aimee Beltran

Today I had Aimee Beltran in my studio talking about body image, confidence and living our best lives! 

If you've ever held yourself back or have been afraid of being seen, in this video we talk about our own personal experiences and Aimee gives us some tips on living our lives more confidently!

Aimee Beltran is the CEO and founder of Irresistible YOUniversity, the Irresistible You podcast, author of the Amazon Hot New Seller, The Irresistible You Journal, and the blog, Irresistible Icing. Through her coaching, courses, and content, she empowers women to boost their confidence and improve body image to create the irresistible life they crave.

To find out more about Aimee go to:

To purchase the journal go to:

If you deal with any of these issues or had an “aha” moment while watching, we would love to hear from you in the comments!



Goal Setting the Right Way!


You have to know where you're going before you can actually get there, forget about New Year's resolutions and focus on creating goals with soul!

I created this free workbook for those that want to see big changes in their lives and manifest things they could only dream about.

Get the workbook: Personal Power Workbook

In 2012 my sister convinced me to take an online Vision & Goal Setting Workshop, I thought it was silly and a waste of my time and boy was I wrong! As a freelance makeup artist for brides I had booked only 6 weddings by the end of 2012 so when I took this workshop I created some big goals for myself.

By the following year I had 31 weddings booked, opened my makeup studio, created a makeup line and hired assistants to work on my team. I grew my business to amazing heights I could have only dreamed about with my work being featured in national magazines, getting hired to do makeup for television like The Dr. Phil show and doing makeup for presidential campaigns hanging out with the Secret Service!

I was mind blown at how much I was able to accomplish in such a small amount of time and I went on a journey to find out how it was possible! I’ll tell you that goal setting from where you are right now will only lead to frustration and loss of motivation which is why most gyms are empty by February!

I think you will find this workbook will open your eyes to the possibilities that are waiting for you and I would love to hear what comes up for you! Comment here, send me a message on social media or an email at!

Check out this testimonial… "I finished my Personal Power wasn't easy it took me a week. Guys, if you haven't done this do it and then give Kim the biggest hug ever. Do it in a Zen state, relaxed and open minded.

Allow yourself to really dig deep into you! Put aside everything else in your life while doing it. I promise you won't regret taking the time, you won't recognize yourself afterwards. I literally finished and reread some of my answers. It gave me a new fresh outlook on where I want to be personally and professionally.

I had to be raw and vulnerable. I had to think about my success and I don't always do that. It made me have so many emotions while doing it, it’s powerful and positive and it puts everything into perspective. I promise you will say, ’Wow, I got this shit!!’. “

- Audra Cindric, owner of Simply Elegant by Audra

Get the workbook: Personal Power Workbook



12 Tips to Grow Your Makeup Artistry Business!

I received an email from a full-time freelance makeup artist who works in beauty, fashion and bridal. She said, “Could you offer me advice on how to promote myself, how to network and contact others, and how to grow my business?”

In this video I answered her questions and gave her some tips to grow her business and get her website on the first pages of Google!



5 Reasons Why Your Business is Struggling

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1. You’re not charging enough

You invest your time, supplies and knowledge, education that you’ve paid for so that you can be amazing at what you do and you’re not being compensated the way that you should be. The biggest reason I hear why business owners aren’t charging enough is, “Well I didn’t know how much to charge so I just picked a number.”

Do yourself and your industry a favor and ask someone, email or message a few people local to you or look on their website. Figure out what feels comfortable to you but don’t go low just because you’re new, base it on your experience, skill level and what feels right to you.

2. You’re not taking it seriously

You’re leaving emails and phone calls unanswered, maybe you’re not showing up and putting in 100%, you’re slacking on your social media and not generating new business or you’re spending money that should be going back into your business. Remember that the first year or two you may not be making a paycheck because everything you make should be going back into growing your business - your supplies, your audience and your education. If you spend everything you make you’re not going to be investing and growing your business.

3. You need help you’re trying to do everything on your own

Maybe you need help with coaching, you need to hire someone that can help you see the big picture and gain the clarity and confidence you need to grow a successful business. Maybe you need help IN your business, you need to hire a team, an assistant or even a virtual assistant. None of us do this on our own we need others to help lift us up so recognize when you need help and get it.

4. You’re not setting boundaries

You’re saying “Yes” to too many things or the wrong things. You’re not thinking, “Does this align with me and my long-term vision for my business?” Maybe you’re letting your clients walk all over you or you aren’t taking the time off to take care of yourself. You’re not attracting the right kind of clients or you don’t have tight agreements and contracts, you feel like you’re being taken advantage of and you’re starting to feel resentful.

You wanted to start your own business so that you could design a life that you love, you need to be in control of the projects and clients that you take on and work with. You need to be in control over how often you work and set clear boundaries so your clients know how to work with you.

5. You are sabotaging yourself

You’re procrastinating on projects, you’re promising things and not following through, you get a little success and you start to take your foot off the gas halting your momentum. A lot of business owners deal with their own kind of sabotage like letting self-doubt derail them. Maybe you’re not getting the support from your friends and family and you’re letting that stop you. It’s our job to recognize our own self-sabotage and not let it defeat us because it will rear its ugly head anytime we start to make progress or moving up to the next step.

I would love to hear from you. If you’re struggling in your business, did these help you?

Comment below!



10 Steps to Start Your Makeup Artistry Business

Start Your Makeup Artistry Business


Have you always dreamed of becoming a freelance makeup artist? With a career in makeup artistry you can create your own schedule, set your own rates, and you can choose to keep it as a side hustle or go full-time. It's easier than ever to start a business, so if you've been dreaming of becoming a makeup artist, these steps will act as your roadmap to a successful business. Set a date in your calendar and decide when you want to have the steps completed, let me know in the comments, I would love to support you!

10 Steps to Start Your Makeup Artistry Business

1. Decide Your Long-term Goals

Knowing where you want to be 1, 5, or 10 years from now will help you determine what direction you should go in. Think about the long-term vision for your life, starting with the end in mind will make it clear on what you should focus on and what to say "No" to.

2. Invest in Your Education

Find out if your state requires a license to do makeup. Investing in your education is so important even if you are self-taught, taking a class or a course to learn skills and techniques will make you a better makeup artist.

3. Hire a Mentor or Coach

There are people who have put in the work and have taken years to build their successful businesses, learn their steps and learn from their mistakes, this will get you from point A to point B a lot faster than having to learn everything on your own.

4. Purchase Your Kit Essentials

Be clear on your Ideal Client and what direction you want to go in before purchasing your kit will help you avoid spending money on things that you may never use. Most likely you will never use a lime green eyeshadow if you’re a classic bridal makeup artist!

5. Use Your Network to Build Your Portfolio

Your friends and family are the best place to start when practicing your skills. Take before and after pictures in natural light or with a ring light. This will help you learn to take better pictures and to see where you can make improvements in your work.

6. Create Your Business Social Media Accounts

Start posting images of your work on your social media. Most likely your Ideal Clients will be on Instagram and Facebook so put your energy where they hang out the most and use hashtags that they would use so they can easily find you.

7. Build Your Website

Having an online presence is so important, it is tempting for new artists to skip this step because it can be time consuming and costly (for a custom website) but you’re playing the long game so investing in your business is vital to standing out in a crowded market. Your website acts like a hub for your clients to see your work, learn more about you, and know how to contact and book you.

8. Grow Your Referral Network

Do some research and find the top 10 people in your area that you would love to work with. Follow them on social media, comment on their posts, reach out to them and let them know you would love to connect and if they would keep you in mind for future projects or referrals.

9. Build Your Community

Use your social media to connect and build relationships with your followers. This will help grow your community and make it easier for your followers to refer you to their networks if they know, like, and trust you.

10. Collect Reviews & Client Testimonials

The best way to be considered as an authority in your industry is to have reviews and testimonials of your work and your character. Use Google, Yelp, WeddingWire, The Knot (if you’re focusing on the bridal industry) and Facebook to help build your online reputation.

If you are skilled at your craft, determined to be successful and follow these 10 steps, it will not take years and years to build your business. You will see results so much faster and get your calendar booked!

Let me know in the comments, did you find this information helpful to starting your makeup artistry business?

Are you still feeling stuck? I offer 1:1 coaching sessions to help you start and grow your business to create profitable and long-term success! Contact me here for more information!

Would you like to keep in touch with me? Join my email list, click here!



Instagram for Makeup Artists

Tips for using Instagram for your business:

1. Make it easy for your ideal client to find your Instagram using your website

2. Know who you are posting for and keep your Ideal Client in mind when posting on Instagram

3. Be consistent posting 1 or 2 times per day

4. Use attractive images with good lighting and a clean background

If you would like to know more about using social media for your business, join us in my Inner Circle Coaching Group

