
What is Our True Purpose?

What is our true purpose?

When I first started on my spiritual journey I believed that our purpose was to connect to a higher calling. I believed that meant that I needed to pivot in my career to serve others through coaching. As I’ve gone deeper on my path I realize that we can be doing anything, it doesn’t matter what our occupation is, we can always choose to be aligned with our true purpose.

This has been a very freeing revelation on my journey as I no longer feel like I have to upend my entire life to be in alignment. Our purpose has nothing to do with our occupation, it’s to live our lives to the fullest. To expand our awareness, to connect with the beauty of the world, and to enjoy our limited time here.

If a person is living a miserable life they are not connected to their true purpose. Most often this will lead to stress, anxiety, and dis-ease in the body.

Are you living the most awesome and expanded version of yourself?

Do you wakeup and feel excited for your day?

Do you marvel at the beauty and enjoy every day for the gift that it is?

If you don’t feel like this everyday that’s totally okay but it’s the people who never feel like this that I want to help reach. Even though I know that it doesn’t matter what my occupation is, I still feel my most fulfilled when I am coaching.

If you’re not where you want to be and you’re searching for a sense of purpose in your life, take a deep breath and slowly release it. Look around you, look out a window, place your hand on your heart and know that you have a purpose. It doesn’t matter what you’re currently doing, if you’re feeling a sense of a higher calling within you, that is Source Energy calling you for expansion.

You don’t have to quit your job this second to move towards the calling, you can do it right here and now. Know that you are worthy, that you are valuable, and you do have a purpose. The first step is to become aware and then the inner work can begin.

If you would like to connect with a guide to help you on your journey, I would love to connect with you. Comment below or contact me here.

With love and light, 


How to Become a Thought Leader

How to Become a Thought Leader

Do you dream of being known as a thought leader? This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart because I see so many women afraid to go all in, they are afraid of being truly seen and of being judged.

Now more than ever we need women to step up, to share their vision and their voice, to reach back and give a hand to the women who don’t yet see their purpose and their power. Thought leadership is about your legacy and the impact you’re making on this world.

How to Find Your Purpose

life coach virginia beach

This age old question that has been asked since the beginning of time …how do I know what my purpose is?

So many people have no idea or worry they’re going to get it wrong, so instead of making the wrong choice, they don’t pursue any choices.

Your purpose is what you say it is, it’s what lights you up and makes you feel happy, that’s it!. No light comes down from the heavens to bestow upon you your purpose in life, you find it by trying different things.

Most people get tripped up because they think they have to make a job out of their purpose and although I’m a big fan of turning your purpose into profit, that’s not always the case. Sometimes your purpose is what gives your life meaning, fulfillment and fun. You’ll get more enjoyment from your life and share your joy with others…that doesn’t sound so bad, right?

So how do we know what our purpose is? Let’s explore by asking yourself these questions:

What do you love to do for hours without getting bored or tired?

What are you naturally good at, what comes easily to you?

What would you do for free?

What did you love to do as a child?

What do people often ask or come to you for?

One of the things that I love to do is reading but I wouldn’t want to make a job out of reading as that would take the fun out of it for me. Another purpose of mine is helping women connect to their purpose, now that is something I can make a business out of and makes my life more fulfilling!

Pay attention to when you feel the most joy and happiness. If you haven’t felt that way in a long time, ask yourself the questions to finding your purpose, they will not steer you wrong.

Let me know in the comments, do you know your purpose or are you in search of it?



Not feeling happy? You're not alone.

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If this sounds like you, first of all, you’re not alone. So many women have leaned in and whispered to me saying something similar to, “I just don’t know who I am anymore, I don’t know what my purpose is, I don’t know how to be happy.”

I’ve heard mainly from women with children, women who like me have devoted so much of their time and energy to their children that when they finally get to an age where they can do something for themselves they feel lost (or you have a surprise pregnancy that turns your world upside down and has you wondering the purpose of everything! 🙋🏼‍♀️).

But recently I met with an old friend who has no children and she said she went through a depression last year that she couldn’t explain why, she said she just felt lost. Our choices are literally endless but we feel paralyzed, terrified to make the wrong choice or just completely unsure of what we even want.

Sometimes this lack of clarity has us go in search of our purpose in life or some of us bury our feelings because the idea of doing something different and getting out of our comfort zones is too scary and overwhelming. It’s my mission to normalize these conversations so that we don’t have to go through these feelings alone. My first suggestion is to get as much clarity as you can because when you know what you don’t want, then you know what you do want. When was the last time you asked yourself what you really want?

If you would like more help I offer coaching sessions to help you realign with your purpose and help you find your happy again! Send me a message on my contact page.

