Marketing Tips for Women Who Hate Marketing

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I meet and coach so many women who have something amazing to share with the world but they don’t do the work to put themselves out there. I wanted to give you some strategies to help you master your marketing, consider this your cheat sheet for those of you who hate marketing.

Marketing is not a bad word and you shouldn’t be afraid or resent social media either. Honestly, social media is not some necessary evil we must force ourselves to do…. social media is our friend! It’s how we can connect with the world, build our community, and share our work and mission with others.

Marketing Tips for Women Who Hate Marketing

1. Legacy, Vision, and Goals

I always start with these because we want to work backwards from where you want to be in the future. If we try to create goals from where you’re currently at, you can become stuck by your own limitations and beliefs about what’s possible.

What is the impact you want to make on the world?

What is the legacy you want to leave?

Create a 5 or 10 year vision for your life and business. 

Get clear about your goals and keep yourself accountable or work with a coach.

Get my free workbook for creating goals and a vision here.

2. Mission, Message, and Target Market

Once you have goals and a vision for your life and business, you will want to get clear on what you’re bringing to the world and why it matters.

What is your mission? This is why you do what you do.

What is your message? This is where you tell them who you are and how you can help them.

Who is your target market? Get clear on who you want to work with, not everyone is an ideal fit to be your client.

Some more questions to help you get clear:

Who are you?

What do you do?

How do you help others?

Why is this important?

Who do you want to work with?

How can you help change the lives of others?

How can you make a positive impact on the world?

3. Content Creation

Will you focus on writing blogs/social media posts, recording videos, or podcasting? Or will you do all 3?

From your target market think of 1 person who needs what you have to offer? This is your ideal client, you will create content based on what your ideal client is searching for, you want to get in her head. You may have a few different ideal clients that you keep in mind when creating your content.

If you don’t already have 1 person in mind, create an ideal client avatar. Think of your ideal client and target market like a dart board. The bullseye is your ideal client, everything outside the bullseye is your target market. Even though you’re thinking of this 1 person when you create your content, you will hit others outside of the bullseye, but it is important to nail down this one ideal client.

What is her name?

How old is she?

Where does she live?

Does she have a partner, or is she married, or divorced?

Does she have kids?

If so, how many and how old are they?

What is her job?

What is her annual income?

What does she love most and least about her job?

What are her hobbies?

What are her favorite foods and restaurants?

Where does she love to shop?

What does she love to watch?

What kind of music does she love?

What does she love to read?

How does she like to relax?

What are her biggest struggles?

What are her hopes and dreams?

What does she fear the most?

4. Social Media

The key to social media is to establish your boundaries so it doesn’t become a time suck. The point isn’t to become Insta-famous (Instagram Famous), unless that’s your goal, but to use it as a tool to get your mission and message out into the world.

Where is your target market hanging out the most on social media?

What social media platforms will you focus on? (Pick 2) Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, or TikTok

Decide how much time you will devote to scheduling, posting, and engaging and stick to a schedule. Some people love to schedule their social media posts for weeks/months at a time, I do not but do what works best for you! I keep a running list of quotes and ideas in my phone notes and post at least every other day.

Use hashtags that your target market will be searching for or will find interesting. A tip is to keep your hashtag groups in your phone notes for easy copy and pasting.

Connect with similar but adjacent people in industries where you can cross promote your stuff.

5. SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. (Wikipedia)

Basically all you really need to know is that you will be creating content that Google loves and this will help your website rank higher on searches. Post blog posts (including videos or podcasts) with keywords and use relevant tags and categories.

What’s your job title? Make it easy and something that is searchable ie. life coach, therapist, business coach, children’s author, spiritual coach, wellness coach. You can always be more specific on your website like “Transformational Life Coach” but specifically for Google don’t get too crazy with your title or people won’t be able to find you in a search.

Sign your business up for Google My Business to help your business show up on Google Maps in your area. You can get reviews, create posts, and so much more.

6. Confidence

What’s your why? This is the reason that you do what you do. Your “why” must be stronger than your fears! You can learn all the marketing strategies in the world, but if you’re too afraid to be visible, you’ll never follow through and show up the way the world needs you to.

My tips for feeling more confident are: 

  • Have an environment that brings out the best in you. Even if that means turning your desk so you only have a wall that you can see behind you for your photos/videos, decorate that wall to represent you. (Also don’t be afraid to show up where you are like your car, your videos don’t always have to be perfect.)

  • Good lighting is essential use natural light, a ring light, or a mini ring light for your phone.

  • Use a tripod for your phone or camera when recording longer videos.

  • When you look good, you feel good! Schedule a makeup lesson with a makeup artist in your area. Update your wardrobe, you can sign up with Stitch Fix and they will send you clothes on your schedule and can include jewelry and shoes as well. 

Booking a branding photo shoot is always nice but don’t let not having one stop you from showing up. As long as you have a decent phone you can take great photos to share on your social media.

7. Community

We don’t grow alone, it’s so important to build your community and connect with others. Join a networking group that resonates with you, reach out to people, follow and engage with others on social media. Word of mouth is always the best marketing so ask your clients to leave reviews on Google My Business or send you testimonials to post.

It’s time to do what others aren’t willing to do. Get out of your comfort zone, put yourself out there, and make an impact in the world! If you don’t want to go it alone, I would love to get to know you and see how I can help you. Go here to find out more.



(*Stitch Fix link is a discount code for signing up.)