
Are You Tired of Feeling Stuck?

Are You Tired of Feeling Stuck?

We have all felt the feeling of being stuck at one time or another. What I’ve learned from my own life experience and listening to my coaching clients is that when we feel stuck it means we’re too focused on the gap of where we currently are and where we want to be. You have to stop telling yourself that you’re stuck because the more you think you’re stuck the more you’ll be and the worse you’ll feel.

How to Step into Your Personal Power

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Are you ready to regain control over your life?

Are you tired of reacting to every little thing so that you feel exhausted and overwhelmed all the time?

Are you ready to know that being YOU is your superpower and that you can create everything that you desire?

What is personal power? There are many different definitions on the internet but my definition is the power you feel when you can handle anything in your life. It’s an unwavering belief that you can have, be and do anything that you desire. I believe personal power is the key for all the happiness, joy, abundance and success. I believe that it’s the key to creating everything that you want in your life.

How to Step into Your Personal Power

1. Think Bigger

Most people are only focused on what’s going on in the here and now. They focus on their problems, they’re stressing over their blessings, or they live in anxiety so worried about what hasn’t happened yet and may never happen. They are so wrapped up in their own drama or other people’s drama that they never think about what’s possible for them.

The most successful people know that you have to first envision it before you can create it. If you only see problems and negativity you will only get more of that. Start thinking about how you want your life to look and feel 5-10 years from now. We are the only creatures on this planet that have the power of imagination, use it to imagine a life that would make you so damn proud. Imagine doing work that feels meaningful and fulfilling, imagine making an impact and being incredibly abundant while doing it.

2. Understand YOU are Not Your Thoughts

We have something like 60,000 thoughts a day and most are from things we’ve picked up through our environment, life experiences, and a large majority of them are mental garbage. The negative thoughts we have tend to play on a loop in our mind, over and over, reminding us that we’re not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not skinny enough, etc… When we realize these thoughts are not our own we can begin to plant thoughts in our mind that do align with us, we can chose more positive thoughts.

3. Use Your Emotions as a Guide

Thoughts + Feelings = Action

If you have negative thoughts and are constantly reacting to your life with negative feelings/emotions how do you think your action is going to look? You’re going to go through life with your head down, unhappy, depressed, feeling like everything is against you and in turn you will be attracting negativity everywhere you turn. We can use our emotions as guides, the worse we feel, the more negative our thoughts have been. When we start choosing better thoughts we will feel better.

4. Recognize Your Triggers and Patterns

Do you go around reacting to everything? Someone cuts you off on your commute to work and you get angry. Your kids don’t do what you told them to so you feel resentment and frustration. Your boss is on you about a project at work so you feel stressed and anxious. You check your bank account and immediately it makes you feel awful and like a failure.

What if you could learn what your triggers are and chose not to react? What if you could wake up with the intention for how you want to feel and all day you are actively choosing that feeling? You would feel more powerful, right? When we know what triggers us we have the power to not react in the way that we always have. If you start to notice in your life, we have patterns that replay on a loop just like the negative thoughts in our mind.

In a marriage, your spouse says that one thing in that tone that you hate and it sets you off. You begin to argue and before you know it, you’re arguing the same argument that you have every single time. How did you get there? It’s a pattern.

By choosing not to react in the first place you step into your personal power and you’re choosing how you want to feel instead of reacting to outside influences. Will you always have this amount of control? No, probably not at first because this is a learned practice. It has taken you years to create the pattern, it takes time to create a new one. Know that you may fail over and over again which brings us to the last key piece...

5. Self-Appreciation is the Key

I saved what I believe is the hardest for last. Do you love yourself? Do you tell yourself how awesome and smart you are? Do appreciate your curvy body? Do you look in the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are inside and out? Do you love yourself even when things aren’t working out for you?

Loving and appreciating ourselves is one of the hardest things to do. We are told from a young age everything that we’re doing wrong, all the ways we should be different, how we should try to fit in and conform, and years later we don’t even know who we are anymore. We have to know that loving and appreciating ourselves is the first step to personal power as it affects everything in our life.

I almost took this part out because it is so different for everyone but it matters and that is your connection with Source. You are a human body with a soul, an inner being that is pure positive energy. Your soul feels nothing but love for you and everything around you, the further away you are from what your soul feels about you, the worse you feel. Your soul is your connection with Source/God/Universe and you can tap into that connection at anytime. You find it in the quiet spaces of your mind when you are appreciating something or in meditation. This connection is where you will find your peace, creativity and joy.

Most people stumble through life not understanding their personal power. How amazing would it be if we stopped stumbling and became creators in our lives? You have to know that you have the power to choose how you want to feel and you have the ability to create your reality. Once you start on this journey your life will become more fulfilling and so much more fun!

Let me know in the comments, are you ready to step into your personal power?



P.S. If you need help creating a big vision for your life, download my Personal Power Workbook.

Should you hire a life and business coach?

How many of you have told a friend or family member an idea or a vision you have and they snubbed it or made you second guess yourself?

Many times the people closest to us can only see the old version of us. If we are changing our lives and living up to our highest potential that could make some people uncomfortable so that they unconsciously want to pull us back down to where we use to be.

People who are not aligned with their highest purpose aren’t able to give you the support and guidance that you need to take your life to the next level.

If you’ve been feeling stuck, uninspired, ready to make a pivot or full on career change I can help. If you need help growing your business I can help with that too!

Go to my Contact page to send me an email!



Goal Setting the Right Way!


You have to know where you're going before you can actually get there, forget about New Year's resolutions and focus on creating goals with soul!

I created this free workbook for those that want to see big changes in their lives and manifest things they could only dream about.

Get the workbook: Personal Power Workbook

In 2012 my sister convinced me to take an online Vision & Goal Setting Workshop, I thought it was silly and a waste of my time and boy was I wrong! As a freelance makeup artist for brides I had booked only 6 weddings by the end of 2012 so when I took this workshop I created some big goals for myself.

By the following year I had 31 weddings booked, opened my makeup studio, created a makeup line and hired assistants to work on my team. I grew my business to amazing heights I could have only dreamed about with my work being featured in national magazines, getting hired to do makeup for television like The Dr. Phil show and doing makeup for presidential campaigns hanging out with the Secret Service!

I was mind blown at how much I was able to accomplish in such a small amount of time and I went on a journey to find out how it was possible! I’ll tell you that goal setting from where you are right now will only lead to frustration and loss of motivation which is why most gyms are empty by February!

I think you will find this workbook will open your eyes to the possibilities that are waiting for you and I would love to hear what comes up for you! Comment here, send me a message on social media or an email at!

Check out this testimonial… "I finished my Personal Power wasn't easy it took me a week. Guys, if you haven't done this do it and then give Kim the biggest hug ever. Do it in a Zen state, relaxed and open minded.

Allow yourself to really dig deep into you! Put aside everything else in your life while doing it. I promise you won't regret taking the time, you won't recognize yourself afterwards. I literally finished and reread some of my answers. It gave me a new fresh outlook on where I want to be personally and professionally.

I had to be raw and vulnerable. I had to think about my success and I don't always do that. It made me have so many emotions while doing it, it’s powerful and positive and it puts everything into perspective. I promise you will say, ’Wow, I got this shit!!’. “

- Audra Cindric, owner of Simply Elegant by Audra

Get the workbook: Personal Power Workbook



How to Vision & Goal Setting


There are some things that are just instrumental in taking yourself and your business to the next level. I want share with you how I went from from booking 6 weddings to 50 weddings in just 3 years in my makeup artistry business!

Writing you Vision, which I like to call your Ultimate Vision, is a snapshot in time of your life 10 years from now.

What are you doing?

Who are you with?

What do you see?

Use your 5 senses to write down as much detail as you can. Once you have completed your Ultimate Vision, work backwards to set clear goals, I call this Reverse Engineering Your Life.

You will have 3 section of Goals:

Within each section you'll have 1, 3, and 5 year Goals. It doesn't have to be hard and fast goals either, it can be a feeling like in Danielle Laporte's "The Fire Starter Sessions" where she uses your Core Desired Feelings to define your goals. If you haven't read this book, I strongly recommend it.

At the end of 2012, when I first learned about Vision & Goal Setting, I thought about my long-term vision and I wrote down my goals for the first time ever. I got really clear on what I wanted and let myself dream bigger than I've ever let myself before. I was booked for just 6 weddings that year, our youngest at the time was getting ready to go to school full-time and I knew if I was going to really build my business, it was now or never.

My List of Goals in 2012 (some were 5 - 10 year goals):


  • Create a makeup line

  • Book 30 weddings

  • Open a makeup studio

  • Hire a team of artists

  • Increase my income

By 2015 I had nailed ALL of them, booking 50 weddings that year and increasing my income that far surpassed what I was making working full-time in retail. I was amazed, I couldn't believe how fast everything had manifested. I knew then just how powerful it was to get clear on what you want and just go for it. 

If you do this exercise I would love to hear from you!

