
How to Manifest Your Ideal Client (Partner or Employee)

How to Manifest Your Ideal Client (Partner or Employee)

First let’s talk about manifesting your ideal client. If you’ve taken any marketing classes almost everyone will tell you to create an Ideal Client Avatar. This is a detailed profile focusing on just one person outlining everything about them. You focus on specifics like where she lives, where she shops, what music she loves, if she’s married or has kids, and you give her a name. This way when you’re creating content you have this one ideal client in mind. I think we’ve been taught to go about this all wrong. I think we should be focusing less on the specifics and more of the feeling of the ideal client we want to work with.

How to Create a Vision Board

How to Vision Board Goal Setting

I received a message the other day she said, “Hi may I ask you a question about vision boards, can I draw my vision instead of pasting pictures on the board?” My answer was, “Yes of course it’s your vision to do as you wish!”

But before creating your vision board there are some key things that you must do that I think some people don’t realize. The vision board is a piece to creating the life you want but it’s not the whole puzzle! I’ve listed the key steps below and if you’re interested in learning more my podcast episodes #4 and #5 break down these steps even more, the link is below.

1. Grab a pen and paper and find a quiet place. Think about and write down all the things you want in your life the feelings, physical things and accomplishments.

2. Now imagine a day in your life 10 years from now. How old are you? Who are you with? Where are you? What are you doing? What do you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch? On another sheet of paper use your 5 senses to create a descriptive vision of what you’re doing, how you’re going about your day and how you are feeling. Write down the date at the bottom of your paper. 

3. This is when you put your vision board together, it shows images or drawings of what you saw in your vision (and you can have multiple visions). These images and drawings act as anchors so every time you see your board you feel excited about the life you’re creating!

I would love to hear from you, have you created a vision board? Leave a comment below!



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