What to do if your soul feels bankrupt

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If your soul has been feeling bankrupt, first of all know that you’re not alone and there are ways to fill ourselves back up that doesn’t take a trip around the world or escaping to a cabin alone in the woods. We have to start thinking of ourselves and our happiness first.

The definition of alignment is “the act of feeling good” and when we realize that our one purpose in life is to feel as good as possible and that’s it, life becomes easier and the world becomes brighter.

You’re giving from an empty cup

If you’re trying to be everything to everybody you’re not putting yourself first. We’re taught from a young age as women to put others before ourselves but when we do that we’re ignoring our own needs. Self-care should be a #1 priority on our list and each person is different one may love some quiet time to read, another may love a long hot bath, another going for a hike and being in nature. Find what makes you happy and do more of that!

You’re working for a paycheck

When we’re working for a paycheck it’s never going to be enough because there isn’t enough money in the world to fill up our empty souls.

I get it we all need to make money to live but if your job doesn’t fill your soul, find something that does and do that thing on the weekends or whenever you have free time. We fill our schedules up so full with our lives and our kids we barely give ourselves time to do what we really love doing, that thing that sets our soul on fire and feels like magic. That’s life giving energy and it’s powerful, don’t ignore it.

You’re ignoring the whispers

You feel it… the discomfort, the feeling of being lost and disconnected. When was the last time you asked yourself what you really wanted?

Oprah says, "I say the universe speaks to us, always, first in whispers. And a whisper in your life usually feels like 'hmm, that's odd.' Or, 'hmm, that doesn't make any sense.' Or, 'hmm, is that right?' It's that subtle. And if you don't pay attention to the whisper, it gets louder and louder and louder. I say it's like getting thumped upside the head. If you don't pay attention to that, it's like getting a brick upside your head. You don't pay attention to that—the brick wall falls down. That is the pattern that I see in my life and so many other people's lives. And so, I ask people, 'What are the whispers? What's whispering to you now?'"

You’re dying for connection

When we’re trying to do this all on our own we don’t share our pain and we don’t dare tell anyone because we must look like we have it all together, all the time. How would our perfect Facebook and Instagram lives look if we told people how we’re really feeling?

Talk to people who will lift you up, not judge you or make you feel bad. One of the biggest misconceptions is that if I admit that I’m not happy then it must be my husband or partner or something specific but that’s not always the case. The stories I hear most are from women who have so much happiness and joy in their lives but they can’t feel it, they feel so disconnected from themselves.

Another option is to hire someone who can help you find your clarity, to remember who you are and can help you to create a path to your happiness and feeling fulfilled. If you think we might be a good fit reach out, you can go to my Contact page to send me a direct message.

I would love to hear from you, leave me a comment below if this resonated with you!

