Not feeling happy? You're not alone.

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If this sounds like you, first of all, you’re not alone. So many women have leaned in and whispered to me saying something similar to, “I just don’t know who I am anymore, I don’t know what my purpose is, I don’t know how to be happy.”

I’ve heard mainly from women with children, women who like me have devoted so much of their time and energy to their children that when they finally get to an age where they can do something for themselves they feel lost (or you have a surprise pregnancy that turns your world upside down and has you wondering the purpose of everything! 🙋🏼‍♀️).

But recently I met with an old friend who has no children and she said she went through a depression last year that she couldn’t explain why, she said she just felt lost. Our choices are literally endless but we feel paralyzed, terrified to make the wrong choice or just completely unsure of what we even want.

Sometimes this lack of clarity has us go in search of our purpose in life or some of us bury our feelings because the idea of doing something different and getting out of our comfort zones is too scary and overwhelming. It’s my mission to normalize these conversations so that we don’t have to go through these feelings alone. My first suggestion is to get as much clarity as you can because when you know what you don’t want, then you know what you do want. When was the last time you asked yourself what you really want?

If you would like more help I offer coaching sessions to help you realign with your purpose and help you find your happy again! Send me a message on my contact page.

