Are You Tired of Feeling Stuck?

Feeling stuck coach for women woman

We have all felt the feeling of being stuck at one time or another. What I’ve learned from my own life experience and listening to my coaching clients is that when we feel stuck it means we’re too focused on the gap of where we currently are and where we want to be. You have to stop telling yourself that you’re stuck because the more you think you’re stuck the more you’ll be and the worse you’ll feel.

Many times at a crossroads in our lives we feel like we’re stuck because we have one foot in one place and one foot in the another but it’s just a transition. The Law of Attraction says that what we focus on we manifest more of, so if you’re focused on fear, doubt, and worry, you’ll manifest more of that.

You can feel frustrated because things aren’t working on the timeline that you want but that means things are lining up, you have to relax so things can shift. Have you ever looked back and realized things worked out in the most perfect way and you couldn’t have planned it better, even if you tried? I know I have.

Law of Attraction guru, Abraham Hicks, says the ideal way of being is “satisfied with where you are and eager for more.” But how can you feel satisfied when you’re so far off from where you want to be?

The way out of feeling stuck is to follow these steps:

Practice Gratitude

Feeling grateful for where you are and what you have created will align your energy with more of what you want. I suggest the next time you’re feeling good to write a Master Gratitude List, a list of 30 or more things that you feel grateful for. List any and everything you can think of including things you like about yourself and the things we don’t often feel grateful for like bills or problems. Then read your list whenever you are feeling stuck, this will help you shift out of that feeling and into more gratitude. Write your list like this… I am grateful for _____ because ________.

Feel Your Feelings

Our feelings are our compass to creating the life that we desire. When we follow the feelings of joy, happiness, and satisfaction we will create more of those feelings. While staying in low vibe feelings like resentment and anger will cut off your alignment and intuition. This can keep you stuck in a negative spiral and manifesting more things to feel low vibe about.

Create Your Vision

Having a vision to guide you is how you create the life that you desire. We first start with a vision so we can reverse engineer it and then create goals, when you do this you’ll have a clearer idea of the next steps you need to take to move yourself forward.

This is where your power lies, if you’ve been blaming other people or circumstances outside of yourself for why you’re feeling stuck now is the time to change that. You have the power to create any life that you desire but you have to shift your focus.

If you need more help creating your vision you can download my workbook here.

Do you need more help getting unstuck? Contact me here to set up your complimentary coaching call.

