How to Release Blocks & Heal Past Trauma

release block heal past trauma life coach for women

When I was in the third grade I got caught passing a note that had some not so nice words written on it. I was sent to the principle, shamed by my teacher and parents, spanked with a paddle, and put on restriction. It was the first time in my life that I had ever seen my dad cry.

As with all things that incident became a memory and I went on with my life but I continued to carry shame and guilt around with me for years.

When I decided I wanted to be a writer (and one day an author) I realized I was having a difficult time finding my voice. I went back to a method that I have used to heal my past money blocks and release fear of childbirth.

This method is life changing and will help you release any blocks that may be holding you back from the life you want.

How to Release Blocks and Heal Past Trauma


Ask yourself, “Where am I feeling stuck?”

Let it flow

In your journal or a piece of paper write down what’s coming up, keep writing until you feel like you’re getting underneath the surface of what’s really going on. At this time your writing may come faster and it may feel like the words are just pouring out of you.

Feel it

Whatever you uncover let yourself feel the whole of the fear, shame, guilt, worry or anything else that is coming up. It’s okay if you become emotional, this is a raw experience that can bring up lots of hidden stuff.


Give forgiveness to yourself, to others, and to the situation. A good affirmation is to say, “I forgive you, I love you, and I’m sorry.”

Write a new story

How could things have been different? This is the time to say what you needed or wanted to hear at that traumatic time. By creating a new, more ideal story you are taking the power away from the people or situation that caused you trauma.

Hug it out

Give yourself a big bear hug, feel the release of the burden that you’ve been carrying. Say affirmations like, “ I am safe. I am lovable. I am worthy.” This will help lock in the love and acceptance that you will now have for yourself.

Repeat as necessary.

Personal growth is an on-going practice that never ends. Use this method whenever you feel like you’re blocked or you want to release past trauma.

Please let me know if you do this method and if this has helped you, you can comment below or send me a message on my contact page.

