6 Ways to Avoid Burnout

burn out burnt out life coach career coach virginia beach

I was having a conversation with hairstylist recently, we had a lot in common as I’ve been in the beauty industry as a makeup artist for 20 years.

We got to talking about doing the same job for decades and how we deal with burnout. She confessed that she’s bored with her work, it doesn't feel exciting any more, and she doesn't see how she’s going to keep doing this for another 20 years.

This is the same story I hear over and over with my coaching clients, some who have only been in their career for a few years but are already burnt out. This may be you or if you’ve been in the same industry and doing the same job for a long time you might relate to this. What was once fun and exciting is now just mundane, you’re working hard but not really getting anywhere, or you’ve been working like a crazy person and seeing success, but now you’re totally burnt out.

Here are 6 ways you can avoid burnout:

1. Keep it fresh

We have to work at keeping it fun, it’s like a marriage so you have to keep rekindling the fire. Learn a new technique or try switching things up so you don’t get in a rut.

2. Remember why you started

What made you get in the industry to begin with? Go back to that feeling and think of ways that you can feel like that again.

3.Create boundaries

Say “No” to things that don’t align with your long-term vision and goals.

4. Uplevel in your career

Start coaching or consulting by taking what you know and teaching it to others. This raises your station in your industry and adds another income stream to your business.

5. Raise your rates

Make more money doing what you love without killing yourself to get there. Every year raise your rates by a certain percentage so you’re consistently adding more money to your bottom line.

6. Create a retirement fund

Yes you heard me… if you’re a business owner or entrepreneur put money aside each month so you can actually retire some day.

For my makeup artistry career it was really important for me to learn how to create better boundaries. I burned myself out by saying “Yes” to things that I really didn’t love or kept me away from my family and it made me feel resentful.

If you’re saying ‘Yes’ to everyone else, you’re saying ‘No’ to yourself.
— Kim Porter

Let me know in the comments if you’ve dealt with burnout in your career and if you think these tips can help you!

