A Life Changing Morning Routine (in under 20 minutes)

Mindfulness Meditation Gratitude Journal Goal List

Picture this: Your eyes open and then you’re rushing around trying to get yourself and your kiddos ready and out the door. You feel frazzled and overwhelmed and the day has barely started. You’re yelling at everyone, you spill coffee on your shirt, and forget your car keys. When you finally get to work you already feel exhausted and defeated.

There’s a better way to start your morning and it takes less than 20 minutes a day!

Step 1:

When you wake up, keep your eyes closed as you focus on good feeling thoughts. (1 minute)

“Thank you for this gift of another day.”

“I’m excited for what this day will bring.”

“I feel grateful for this wonderful life and appreciate all that I have.”

Step 2:

Stand up and stretch your body, feeling yourself waking up and feeling good. (1 minute)

Step 3:

After your usual morning routine, with a cup of your favorite warm beverage, take out your journal and free flow write about all of the things you’re excited and grateful for this morning. (5 minutes)

Step 4:

Do a guided meditation. (5 minutes)

If you’re new to meditation try finding one on YouTube, try a few different ones until you find the one that you like, then save it into your Favorites so you can easily find it. Once you are practiced at meditation you can start doing it on your own.

Step 5:

Write your gratitude and goals list. (5 minutes)

I am grateful for ______ because __________.

This can be your spouse/partner, kids, job, even your bills because you like having lights and running water. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for and switch them up daily, focusing on different areas of your life.

For your goals write down 10 of them in the present tense like they’ve already happened.

“I am…”

“I have…”

Once you are done, smile and feel the love surrounding you, knowing that you radiate that love from you to everyone you meet.

Now begin getting ready for your day!

If you already exercise in the morning, adding these mindfulness practices will enhance your good feelings even longer.

Anytime worry or anxiety creep in throughout your day say to yourself or out loud, “I am safe. Everything is always working out for me.”

Just because a thought comes does not mean you have to stay with it, you have the power to change your focus to a better feeling thought. Remember what you wrote in your journal during your free flow writing and your gratitude and goals list, focus on the thoughts that feel good.

Commit to doing this every morning and you may find yourself carving out even more time to enjoy your mindfulness practices.

If you are interested in finding out how I can help you in your life or business please go to my Contact page to send me a message.

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