Passion vs Purpose

Passion vs Purpose: Which one should you follow?

Passion is something you have a strong emotion about. Purpose is the reason for your journey.

Passion can fade or change but our purpose is woven into the fabric of our lives, it’s in everything we do.

From my own experience I have felt a strong passion and was very driven in my makeup artistry business. I went all in giving it literally everything I had but I burnt myself out. I didn’t feel like I was living my purpose, I was successful but it felt unfulfilling. I started to ask, “What is my purpose?” it took me along time to understand I had been basing my happiness on how successful I was and this discovery led me on a journey to finding my purpose.

Preparing for this post I did some research reading blog posts and articles each person saying it was one or the other but I believe you need both. Purpose is the rocket, passion is the fuel that help the rocket go faster and for longer. Without a feeling of purpose the flame of passion can burn out. Without a feeling of passion your rocket may go but eventually it will putter out.

Follow your passions and they will lead you to your purpose. Our purpose in life is to feel good and to positively impact the world, even if that is just one person. You have no idea the ripple effect that you can cause when you think about the fact that we are all connected.

Don't get so overwhelmed thinking your purpose is one big be-all and end-all, your purpose is YOU. It’s following the things that light you up and that gets you excited.

Even if the modality or vehicle of your passions change, your purpose remains the same. Give yourself permission to pivot or change because you are expanding and becoming the person that you’re meant to be, always fulfilling that larger purpose.

I work with my clients to help them get clarity around what they want in their life, what makes them feel happy, and what difference they can make in the world. Our purpose is all about our impact so if you know you’re made for, comment below.

