Mirroring: When the outside world is a reflection

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The outside world is a reflection of our own internal world.

I have a coaching client dealing with a situation where someone she loves said something hurtful to her. I sent her this information and thought I would share this in case anyone else may have experienced something similar.

I have read about “Mirroring” before but it really stuck out as I was reading the book “Add More -Ing To Your Life” by Gabrielle Bernstein.

The people and situations that tend to push our buttons the most are actually our best teachers.
— Gabrielle Bernstein

What is mirroring? It’s when people and situations show up in our lives to reflect what we are thinking and feeling about ourselves.

Think about a person or situation that has pushed your buttons, is there a lesson to learn?

Could they be reflecting back to you your own thoughts about yourself?

Spend some time in meditation or quiet reflection.

“Ask yourself, “What is it inside of me that is feeling this way that is activating this outside circumstance? And what is it in me that is therefore reflecting this outside experience?”

For example, if you feel as though people don’t believe in you, the first question you want to ask yourself is, “Do I believe in me?” Or if you think that the outside world isn’t giving you the money that you want, ask yourself, “Do I believe that I’m worthy of receiving?” Begin to look inward.”

(Blog post: https://gabbybernstein.com/mirroring/)

Uncover any limiting beliefs or things you don’t particularly like about yourself.

Pull out your journal and ask yourself:

What is coming up for me?

What am I thinking and feeling?

How am I manifesting this in my life?

What is the lesson here?

Write down what comes up.

Don’t be afraid to go deep and uncover the truth, what you feel you can heal.

