Life Coaching Through Anxiety

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Anxiety occurs when we feel out of control. It is distress or uneasiness of the mind caused by fear or worry resulting in physical symptoms like:

chest pressure

difficulty breathing

racing heart


inability to focus

upset stomach

weakness or shakiness


The first time I was told that I was dealing with anxiety was when my middle child was 2 years old. We had renovated our home, sold it, bought another home, and were renovating it with a 5 and 2 year old. I was experiencing a rapid heart beat, chest pain, nausea, and dizziness. My dad died of a massive heart attack when I was 18 years old so my mom encouraged me to go to the emergency room to get checked out. Luckily it wasn’t a heart attack but my follow up appointment with my regular doctor is when he suggested I may be experiencing anxiety. I was relieved of course that I wasn’t dying and I learned to manage it.

In 2016 I experienced severe anxiety after having our third child (our bonus baby), opening a 4 station beauty bar and was paying a rent check that was equal to our mortgage. The anxiety turned into chronic anxiety, panic attacks, and the next year I fell into a depression and one of the darkest times of my life.

It is my mission in life to help women deal with their anxiety so that they don’t have to go through pain and depression like I did. With this year full of pandemic worries, election anxiety, virtual school stress, and fears over the economy I am working with more and more women helping them manage their anxiety and stress.

If you’re suffering from anxiety please know you are not alone. Chronic anxiety can lead to a weakened immune system and disease so do not let yours go until the damage is done. There is a way to manage your anxiety holistically and with coping strategies that you can use throughout your life when you’re feeling stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

If you’re experiencing anxiety and would like help reach out to me, I am here to help you, you don’t have to suffer in silence.
