How to Pivot During the Pandemic

how to pivot career during the pandemic

If you’re like so many others who are looking to this next year with a lot less optimism about where your career or industry will be, it might be time to pivot. With the uncertainty that lies ahead I am receiving calls and messages on the daily with people wanting help on what to do next with their career.

Here’s what I know about small business owners and entrepreneurs… we are resilient, we are innovative, and we are forward thinking. While there are so many people who are looking to the government for assistance or raging on social media about the injustice of it all (and I get it people are in fear and lack), the ones who will succeed are the ones who are willing to see the big picture and make the necessary changes.

How to Pivot During the Pandemic

1. Take Stock of Your Strengths

What are you naturally good at?

What can you do for hours and never feel bored?

What are you doing when you’re engrossed for hours and lose track of time?

What do people come to you for?

What questions are you often asked?

These questions can help you discover what your personal strengths are and I have included some book suggestions at the end of this article to help you.

2. Envision Your Life in 5 Years

Sit in a quiet space and let your mind think about your life 5 years from now. Think about money as being no object, you can have, be, or do anything you want.

What are you doing?

Who are you working with?

What does your work look like?

What does your life look and feel like?

Create a “Day in My Life” vision from the moment that you wake up until you go to bed. Really feel what it would feel like to live this ideal life.

3. Lay the Groundwork

Get clear about who your ideal client is, what your mission, and your message is. Your message is who you are, it’s your job title and your story. Your mission is what you do and what problem you help solve.

4. Create the Plan

What needs to happen to create this shift?

Will you be focusing on building a personal brand?

Will you need to take classes or learn new skills?

Will you need to create a new website or social media?

For my clients I love to help them map out step-by-step what they need to do to create this pivot in their life or career. It may not always go in that order but I feel like so many people get stuck about, “What’s the next step? Then the next step?”, it feels less overwhelming when we create a road map for you to follow.

5. Shift Your Focus

Our power lies in our ability to create. If we are in lack or fear we aren’t creating, we are reacting.

Fear creates more fear.

Lack creates more lack.

What we focus on expands.

We must change what we’re focusing on, then work on changing our beliefs and mindset. Limit how much news and social media you’re consuming, spend more time journaling, doing guided meditations, and exercise like yoga, dancing, or walking in nature.

Books that I suggest are:

“StrengthsFinder 2.0” by Tom Rath - this book is great for assessing your personal strengths

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill - old timey but invaluable information for personal development

“You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero - one of my favorite personal development books that will give you a swift kick in the rear

If you’ve made a pivot in your career I would love to hear from you, let me know in the comments. If you would like help with pivoting during the pandemic, you can contact me here.

