What to do when your fight-or-flight response has been triggered by world events?

The world is reeling again with the latest events happening in the Ukraine.

Our fight-or-flight response is intended as a survival mechanism to keep us safe but in this overactive, overstimulating, and overly connected world we live in… we are on overdrive.

Chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, disease, anxiety, depression, and even addiction. It is imperative that we monitor our stress and learn to calm down our minds and bodies.

Here are some ways to holistically relieve stress:

  • Turn off the news and social media

  • Spend time in nature

  • Do a physical activity (take a walk or go for a run)

  • Practice meditation or do a guided meditation

  • Practice self-care (take a bath or get a massage)

  • Practice deep breathing

  • Play with children or a pet

  • Practice yoga

  • Do a chakra balancing and cleansing

  • Take CBD (consult with a professional for dosage)

  • Practice visualization (imagine you are someplace calm and relaxing, use all of your senses to really feel yourself there)

  • Talk to someone (a life coach can help you feel calmer and work through your feelings, while helping you manage stress levels)

In uncertain times it can feel scary and we can feel out of control. The only thing that you can control is how you react and what you do about it.

If you feel like working with a life coach would be helpful for you or if you’re interested in taking CBD, contact me here.

Be safe,
