How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety During Tumultuous Times

Wow saying 2020 has been a doozy is an understatement, amiright?! We are experiencing pandemic worries, election anxiety, virtual school stress, and fears over the economy as we’re in a recession.  

From reading my social media and hearing from others, everyone’s stress level is through the roof. My therapist coaching clients are telling me that they are prescribing medications like crazy and I’ve been hearing about a rise in autoimmune disease stress-related flare ups. Stress can wreak havoc causing dis-ease in our bodies.

Women are getting hit especially hard in what economists are calling “the first female recession” in history because women are having to put their careers and businesses on hold to help with virtual schooling and kids being home.

As a whole we are experiencing a collective burnout.

What is burnout? It’s a culmination of symptoms that include:


Panic attacks




Loss of Sleep (insomnia)  

Overindulging in food, drugs, and alcohol


Most of the things that are going on right now are totally out of our control which also adds a huge amount of stress. To deal women are dropping CBD oil like crazy and taking depression and anti-anxiety medications… it’s all good whatever you need to do to feel better, please do it! With all of this uncertainty and worry it’s time to take your mental health into your own hands. I wanted to share some mindfulness and holistic tips to help you deal with the stress and anxiety that you’re feeling so you can start to feel better.

7 Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

1. Turn off the news and social media - Do something else like take a nap, read a book, crochet, or cook a delicious dinner.

2. Quiet your mind - Do a guided meditation (there’s a bunch on YouTube for free) or use the Calm app for 10-15 minutes a day.

3. Get out in nature - Take a walk, buy a kayak (I highly recommend it!), do anything you can to connect with the earth.

4. Do things from your Happy List - A Happy List is 25 things that you love (mine are my cup of coffee in the morning, fresh flowers, dancing to music, and watching a sunset) and do as many as you can everyday, make it like a game.

5. Journal - Write down your feelings, get it out of your head and onto paper to help clear your mind and release it. To take it even further do gratitude journaling with this sentence, “I am grateful for _____ because ______.” Do as many as you can until you really feel the gratitude for this amazing life.

6. Shift your focus - Reconnect with your 2020 goals, instead of beating yourself up give yourself some grace, this year knocked everyone back but that doesn’t mean you have to quit.

7. Talk to a therapist or a life coach - They can help you deal with your anxiety, fears, and worries. If you’re experiencing depression or feel like you may need medication please go see a therapist. If you need help with motivation, goals, and having a more holistic approach to mental health, a life coach can help with that. Please feel free to reach out to me.

If you do these 7 things everyday or as often as you can, you will begin to feel calmer, more centered, and more in control over your life and mental health. 

How can I help? I coach and work with women who are burned out from working too much and having too much on their plate… and now so many women are trying to juggle ALL THE THINGS even more than normal and still stay afloat. But the stress is the same, feeling overwhelmed, unable to stop the fast moving train, and feeling out of control… all classic symptoms of burnout.

We are experiencing a collective burnout and we have to deal before we can heal. 

Reach out if you would like to schedule a complimentary introduction coaching with me.

