Our Emotions Are Energy in Motion

Thoughts Feelings Emotions are energy in motion.

We’ve all heard some variation of this saying…

”If you change your thoughts, you can change your life.” 

But why and how does it work?

No one ever seems to explain how changing your thoughts and feelings changes your life, we’re just told to think positive thoughts.

Your beliefs become your thoughts, 

Your thoughts become your words, 

Your words become your actions, 

Your actions become your habits, 

Your habits become your values, 

Your values become your destiny.
— Ghandi

The answer is energy.

The Latin derivative for the word emotion, 'emotere', literally means energy in motion.

Everything is made of energy, the missing piece is energy.

“Thanks to the late great David Hawkins, MD, Ph.D., we have proof that emotions have measurable energy and can either foster or negate actual cell life. Dr. Hawkins’s groundbreaking work, as explained in his book “Power vs. Force”, shows how a person’s log level–the measurable energy level in their magnetic field–increases as that person experiences more positive emotions. Hawkins’s most interesting finding was that cells actually died when the log level was below 200, where the emotions of scorn, hate, anxiety, shame, regret, despair, blame, and humiliation reside.” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/christinecomaford/2018/06/02/emotions-have-energy-what-energy-are-you-sending/)

This diagram shows the core of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), used by therapists and believed by psychologists to be more effective than most other therapies and medications for treating patients.

The Cognitive Behavioral Triangle

(Image: ellensocdblog.wordpress.com via Pinterest)

But there’s something missing about what’s being taught and used in therapy.

Thoughts + Feelings/Emotions = Energy -> Action/Behavior 

Thoughts lead to feelings that lead to emotions in the body that produce energy that then leads to the action or behavior.

It’s our energy that keeps us on a perpetual cycle because the Law of Attraction keeps attracting more of what we think about most and the energy we are putting out.

You don’t have to understand how the Law of Attraction works, just like you don’t have to understand how gravity or electricity works, it just does.

Until you start working with the energy you put out into the world and the trapped energy inside your body, you will continue to attract more of what you already have.

This is why energy work is so important and can be life changing. It’s important to unblock energy in the body, especially energy that hasn’t been released through years of trauma or resistance.

By being aware of how you feel you can know the energy you’re putting out and in return and most importantly, what you will get back.

There are many types of energy work, some of my favorites are:



EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping)


Chakra healing

By blending both life coaching and emotional healing (for clients who are open to it) I can help clients really achieve the life of their dreams and they will feel happier and more aligned with the truth of who they are.

